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Nov 12, 2024 · In some cases, the side effects of blueberries can include gastrointestinal distress, hypoglycemia and an increased risk of bleeding if you're taking certain prescription medications, says Alex McDonald, MD, a family physician with the American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Diarrhea
Fix it: If you're not used to high doses of fiber, slowly...
- Healthy Aging
Any of these changes can raise your risk of heart disease...
- Eaten a Lot of Fiber and Are in Pain
The experts at Duke University also advise taking a look at...
- Blueberries and Blood Thinners
Like most fruits, blueberries make a healthy choice. They...
- Amount of Sugar in Blueberries
Blueberries are also a good source of vitamin C, containing...
- What Is a Serving Size of Blueberries
Blueberries are also a good source of vitamin C, a nutrient...
- Foods Rich in Vitamin K
Kiwi: 72.5 mcg, 60% DV. This New Zealand fruit is small,...
- Blueberries & Severe Abdominal Pain
Slowly increasing your daily dose of fiber over a few weeks...
- Diarrhea
Blueberries are rich in polyphenols, and their effect on cardiovascular health, including risk factors for endothelial dysfunction and hypertension, has been investigated in interventional studies. However, the difference between blueberry ...
- Extreme Fatigue
- Shortness of Breath
- An Inability to Do What You Were Able to Do Before
- Other Potential Heart Attack Signs
- When Should You Call 911 For A Heart Problem?
- What to Do If You Notice Heart Attack Symptoms
Like many women, you’re probably busy most of the timejuggling work and family. Unsurprisingly, this means you’re probably also tired a lot of the time, which is perfectly normal. However, cardiac fatigue is far more dramatic and debilitating. “We’re not talking about global fatigue like you feel tired at the end of the day,” says Dr. Cho. “We’re n...
As women age, a lack of exercise and gradual weight gain cause issues like shortness of breath. However, this can signal a heart problem when it happens in certain situations. “You might notice that when you’re walking around the block taking your dog out, you’ll become very short-winded where you weren’t before,” Dr. Cho says. “Walking to your car...
Defining this symptom can be somewhat difficult because it’s less a universal heart attacksign and more dependent on your individual experiences and baseline energy levels. “It’s a significant change in your functional status, is how I would put it,” says Dr. Cho. “You were able to be on the treadmill 20 minutes, but now you can barely do 10 becaus...
Heart attack signs look different for everyone, although there are a few common ones to watch for. 1. Neck, jaw, arm, and back pain: Pain radiating to your jaw, back, neck, or arms may signal a heart condition, especially if the origin is hard to pinpoint. For example, you might feel pain, but no specific muscle or joint aches. If the discomfort be...
At certain times, calling 911 right away is a must. “If you’re having chest pressure or chest tightness that started that day, you should not wait to go to your general practitioner,” says Dr. Cho. “Go to the emergency room.” You should also call 911 and get help right away if you have chest pain or discomfort along with any of the following sympto...
If you do suspect you might have heart attack symptoms — and some do appear weeks or months before a heart attack — don’t discount them out of hand or let them linger for too long. “Women often think it’s something else,” says Dr. Cho. “The sad thing is, women do tend to have more blockages in their heart when they do need to have something done.” ...
Feb 23, 2019 · New research zooms in on the cardiovascular effects of blueberries and finds that anthocyanins — the phytochemicals that give blueberries their color — mediate the beneficial effects that this...
Jul 26, 2024 · Brittany Lubeck, RD, a registered dietitian and nutrition writer, confirms by telling EatingWell, “Consumption of blueberries may help reduce the risk of certain diseases and conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline. This is thought to be due to the presence of anthocyanins (which are powerful pigments and ...
Jul 1, 2013 · A long-term study of young and middle-aged women found that those who ate the most blueberries and strawberries had a lower risk of heart attack than those who ate the least. Just eating berries once in a while didn’t count—it took at least a half-cup serving three times weekly.
People also ask
Are blueberries a risk factor for a heart attack?
Are blueberries bad for You?
Are blueberries good for cardiovascular health?
Can eating more blueberries and strawberries protect your heart?
Are blueberries safe to eat?
Jan 25, 2024 · A heart attack is a serious and potentially fatal medical event that requires emergency treatment. Females tend to display different heart attack symptoms than males.