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Sep 25, 2012 · Coyotes maintain monogamy through long-term pair bonding, a term meaning an animal stays with the same mate for more than one breeding season, and sometimes for many. A male coyote, for his...
- Coyote
The coyote is a member of the Canidae (the dog family) and a...
- Desert
In geography, a desert is a landscape form or region that...
- Firefly
Oct. 31, 2022 — A new study by mathematicians shows that...
- Urban Planning
Urban, city, or town planning is the discipline of land use...
- Coyote
Jun 28, 2012 · Among 7 mated pairs, 3 of which were radiotracked over multiple years, there was no evidence of mate abandonment and multiyear monogamy was maintained. Despite the high food resources available and high population density, urban coyotes display no variability in their monogamous mating system.
- Cecilia A. Hennessy, Jean Dubach, Stanley D. Gehrt
- 2012
Sep 29, 2012 · Researchers tracked urban coyotes over six years and found that they never stray from their mates. Amy Kraft reports. Beyond the ferocious jaws of the carnivorous coyote is a loving creature that...
Jun 28, 2012 · Our results confirm that the mated pairs in our study area were genetically monogamous, despite the optimal food resources and high coyote density in this landscape. This indicates that the social mechanisms that coyotes use to enforce monogamy (e.g., mate-guarding and territory defense) are successful.
Feb 5, 2024 · There are thousands of species throughout the animal kingdom that mate monogamously. Monogamy in wildlife is defined as a pair bond between two adult animals of the same species who perform behaviors such as living together to mate, raise young, and share resources.
- Walking Mountains Science Center
Sep 27, 2012 · Coyotes seem monogamous, staying in pairs for years while they raise young and defend their territory together. But the researchers expected genetic sampling to show that these apparently loyal partners were really sneaking around.
People also ask
Are coyotes genetically monogamous?
Are urban coyotes monogamous?
Do urban coyotes maintain long-term monogamous bonds?
Do coyotes have long-term bonding?
How do coyotes mate?
Is monogamy a product of kin selection?
Jun 5, 2008 · This study describes for the coyote the secretion pattern and temporal relationship between estradiol, progesterone, pro-lactin, and relaxin, from late proestrus through estrus and diestrus; mating behaviors observed during those same estrous periods; and changes in vaginal cytology.