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Dugongs are part of the Sirenia order of placental mammals which comprises modern "sea cows" (manatees as well as dugongs) and their extinct relatives. Sirenia are the only extant herbivorous marine mammals and the only group of herbivorous mammals to have become completely aquatic.
Dugongs are polyandrous, which means that one female has an exclusive relationship with two or more males. Dugongs may breed at any time of year. Males of this species are in constant search of receptive females.
Dugongs (Dugongidae) are fascinating marine mammals often referred to as "sea cows." These gentle giants are remarkable for their herbivorous diet, primarily
Yes, dugongs are a species of sea cow. They take their nickname from their diet—seagrass. They spend their days grazing on grass on the seabed, not unlike real cows in a field.
Dugongs reproduce via internal fertilization and give birth to large young, which they nurse for as long as a year and a half. Adult dugongs do not have any natural predators, but juveniles may be eaten by saltwater crocodiles, killer whales, and large, coastal sharks.
May 7, 2015 · Dugongs are closely related to manatees, and are commonly known as ‘sea cows’ due to their peaceful grazing nature. Dugongs have dull grey, torpedo-shaped bodies with paddle-like forelimbs, and a fluked tail like a dolphin.
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To see a dugong is to want to hug a dugong, with its round body, gently curved flippers and gigantic smiling face. Along with their manatee cousins, these marine mammals have earned the nickname...