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  1. Nov 5, 2019 · What we’re really saying is, “Negative emotions are bad. I want to get rid of them.” And no wonder! Fear twists our stomachs, anger makes us feel out of control, and sadness is such a downer ...

  2. A neuroscientist explains the origins of negative emotions and how to cope with them.

    • Negative thinking can lead to decreased cognitive functioning. When you have emotionally charged thoughts, most often negative ones, your limbic system (the reptilian brain – the part that is not as evolved) takes over and your prefrontal cortex which is used for cognitive functioning and organization has energy diverted away from it.
    • Negativity can also lead to immune system suppression. Since your brain and body are constantly on high alert, all systems get overused and an excessive amount of energy is utilized that otherwise would go toward maintaining your normally strong immune system.
    • Negative thinking can also cause extreme physical symptoms of anxiety. When you have a thought that conveys a message of impending danger to your brain, your brain signals your body to prepare to escape or fight, and this causes your heart to race, your breathing to quicken, and signals other panic symptoms.
    • Recurrent negative thinking can also cause rewiring of associations or certain associations to fast-track to negative emotions. For example, if you consistently come to expect something negative in a given situation or from a certain person then that cue (situation or person) will cause an immediate negative response.
    • Managing Negative Emotions
    • Negative Emotions vs. Positive Emotions
    • What Emotion Are You? Take The Quiz
    • How Do Negative Emotions Affect Us?
    • Techniques For Managing Negative Emotions
    • Strategies to Cope with Negative Emotions

    The idea of "managing" negative emotions is a complex one. It doesn't mean avoiding them—avoidance coping is actually a form of coping that attempts to do this, and it can often backfire. It also doesn't mean letting these negative emotions wreak havoc on your life, your relationships, and your stress levels. Unmanaged anger, for example, can compe...

    When we talk about so-called negative emotions, it's important to remember that these emotions, in and of themselves, aren't negative as in "bad." It is more than they are in the realm of negativity as opposed to positivity. Emotions aren't necessarily good or bad, they are just states and signals that allow us to pay more attention to the eve...

    Our fast and free emotion quiz can help you better understand your emotional responses to certain situations, and why you may think or behave the way you do. This emotion quizwas medically reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS.

    Anger, fear, resentment, frustration, and anxietyare negative emotional states that many people experience regularly but try to avoid. And this is understandable—they are designed to make us uncomfortable.

    The field of positive psychology is experiencing a "second wave" of research that is focused not only on what makes us happy, resilient, and able to thrive but also on the dark side of happiness. Experts have learned more about how our negative emotions affect us and what to do with them, and how we can remain emotionally healthy throughout th...

    There are other strategies that are recommended as ways to increase positive emotional states and personal resilience to stress and feelings of negativity so that negative emotional states don't feel as overwhelming. Because of the research on positivity,we know that this can be a beneficial thing in itself. Here are some additional strategies that...

    • Elizabeth Scott, Phd
  3. Jan 15, 2018 · Our emotions literally change the way our brain responds to others, even when they are in pain. In particular, it is when we feel bad that it can have a consequence on our social world. How ...

  4. Apr 21, 2023 · In a study published last month in the journal Emotion, researchers found that people who habitually judge negative feelings — such as sadness, fear and anger — as bad or inappropriate have ...

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  6. The emotion dysregulation model of anxiety posits that sustained negative emotions such as anxiety and sadness can promote a cascade of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, including worry, rumination, and self-criticism (e.g., negative self-referential processes, or NSRPs) (Mennin et al., 2005). Within this framework, a failure to regulate distress or using maladaptive emotion ...

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