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Apr 10, 2024 · It is best to start with something minor, such as getting angry with someone cutting in line or getting annoyed with yourself for forgetting to buy milk, but later on you can progress to trying this for more extreme emotional feelings or physical discomfort.
- First and foremost, give yourself the gift of self-compassion. Self-compassion will prevent you from adding self-criticism to your burden of suffering.
- Look your best. Some people would condemn such advice as shallow or vain. But vanity can be a great motivator for healthy change. And looking good can raise morale and self-esteem.
- Pace yourself. This essential insight comes from PT blogger Toni Bernhard, who has created a plethora of helpful books and blogs on coping with chronic pain.
- Accept that both despair and joy will be part of the aging journey. The losses of aging do take their toll. But surprisingly, research has documented that there is a steady rise in happiness among people over 50, despite problems of illness and aging.
- The Loneliness Project
- Loss
- ‘A Stiff Upper Lip’
- Heavy Burdens
- Your Life Mattered
The pandemic brought the longstanding issue of loneliness and isolation in the lives of older people back into the public consciousness. When COVID-19 hit, we had only just completed the 80 in-depth interviews which formed the dataset for what we called The Loneliness Project– a large-scale, in-depth exploration of how older people experience lonel...
For many, ageing brought about an inevitable accumulation of losses. Put simply, some of the people we spoke to had lost things that had previously been a major part of feeling connected to something bigger than themselves. Loss of a spouse or long-term partner (over half of our sample had lost their long-term spouse) was particularly palpable and ...
Studies of lonelinesshave highlighted how an inability to communicate can bring about a feeling that “the soul is incarcerated in an insufferable prison”. This was reflected in our study too. Many of our participants said they had trouble communicating because they simply didn’t have the tools required to convey such complicated emotions and deeper...
The burden of loneliness for older people is intimately connected to what they are alone with. As we reach the end of our lives, we frequently carry heavy burdens that have accumulated along the way, such as feelings of regret, betrayal and rejection. And the wounds from past relationships can haunt people all their lives. Gerontologist professor, ...
Thinking about how older people can be supported must involve a fuller understanding of what loneliness really means for them. Some of our own efforts have focused on ways of helping older people retain a sense that they are valued in the world and that they matter. For example, the Extraordinary Lives Projectsought to listen to older people’s reco...
- They’re called the golden years for a reason. Getting older has its perks. For one, you’re good at using what you’ve learned. This is called crystalized intelligence, and it keeps getting better, even when you’re 65 or 70.
- Turns out you might not be a grumpy old man (or woman), after all. You’ll probably get more agreeable as you age, at least through your 60s. You’re also likely to be happier and less inclined to get angry.
- You’re more in tune with other people’s emotions in your 40s than at any other time in your life. That insight into how others think and feel can make living with your loved ones easier and help you get along better with your coworkers, too.
- Older women may have sex less often than when they were younger, but apparently they make it count. In a study of women 40 and over, researchers found that sexual satisfaction improved with age.
Loneliness Loneliness is one of the most painful emotional states. We are social creatures yet we are aware, at least on an unconscious level, that an unbridgeable chasm will always exist.
Mar 9, 2023 · Current psychological research shows that emotion is relatively unaffected by aging and even improves with age. Emotional changes with age are complex. Old age is not a simple time of emotional well-being and tranquility. Strong emotions and reactions to important life events may increase with age.
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Do older people control their emotions better?
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Nov 15, 2021 · Correctly regulating emotions in old age is an exercise in health and well-being. Interestingly, researchers have found information from several studies that extends beyond the physical and cognitive decline. Older adults are, on average, much more attuned to positive emotions.