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May 17, 2018 · Some militaries around the world use dolphins and sea lions to carry out tasks such as detecting mines and locating equipment lost at sea. According to Paul Nachtigall, the head of the...
- 52 sec
- 32.2K
- Guardian News
Beyond their cute and adorable demeanor, the Navy's once highly secret Marine Mammal Program California sea lions are highly trained military assets, skilled...
- 3 min
- 12.2K
- Stars and Stripes
6 days ago · An endangered sea creature in Hawaii that was rescued and rehabilitated got a lift from the U.S. Coast Guard and now is back home. The young Hawaiian monk seal was “released back into his ...
Aug 3, 2015 · It has a Marine Mammal Programme which teaches sea lions, dolphins and whales to protect its personnel and military assets. The sea lions are trained in San Diego, California. But they...
- 3 min
- 33.4K
- AP Archive
Jul 16, 2024 · The Marine Mammal Center, the world’s largest marine mammal hospital, has admitted an endangered Hawaiian monk seal at the Center’s hospital in Kailua-Kona, Ke Kai Ola. The juvenile male monk seal, R8HA, is currently in serious but stable condition.
Feb 1, 2023 · The US Navy has been training dolphins and sea lions to detect undersea threats since the 1960s. Over the years, the Navy has put those animals up against its most skilled human operators.
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Who is a sea lion in the US Navy?
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Are dolphins and sea lions a real threat?
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Dec 22, 2021 · An endangered Hawaiian monk seal that was found dead on a beach in September had been deliberately shot in the head, officials said on Tuesday, in the third intentional seal killing of 2021 on...