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  1. PS - ALL of the "working dupe scripts" you see online are fake. You can often see who is trying to scam as they don't obfuscate and will leave their user ID in the script.

  2. Dec 30, 2023 · So basically, this scam is when Someone types in the chat pretending to be the global chat. Usually, it says that Preston and some other developers will be signing pets and putting down a user to which everyone wil be mailing their pets.

  3. A new scam method revolving around the Mail Box has been circulating. The premise of this scam is that users will pretend to be the Global Message system, and ask you to gift a certain username to receive signed pets in return.

  4. I've heard of players having their whole pc compromised because they thought a simple mod would help them. Those so called "dupe" mods/hacks for huge pets on youtube are also scams/hacks, unfortunately many kids believe it and end up losing everything.

  5. There are no legitimate ways to duplicate pets in Pet Simulator X. Some videos claim to show duping methods but are fake or don't actually work when tried. The only current way to dupe pets is through downloading hack scripts, which is unfair to developers and players, and against the terms of use.

  6. Dec 14, 2021 · Sadly the update also revealed two vulnerabilities that allowed players to duplicate both pets and diamonds which if left unchecked could have a massive negative effect on the game's economy.

  7. People also ask

  8. Pet Simulator X! Your most common questions, answered. From gameplay to troubleshooting, we've got you covered.

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