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Before you leave us, you’ll need to pay any outstanding charges on your account. Your contract will end 30 days after we receive your request to leave. If you’re on Pay As You Go, and you have any credit or outstanding allowance when you complete your switch, you can request to receive a refund either via bank transfer or via a cheque.
- Auto-Save
Auto-Save - Leaving O2: What you need to know – Help and...
- Refunds
You can check your final bill in My O2 online, but not in...
- Extras
Press the ‘Turn auto-renewal off’ button to cancel your...
- Bereavement
Bereavement - Leaving O2: What you need to know – Help and...
- Spend Cap
You can add and manage your Spend Cap in My O2. Sign in to...
- Understanding Data
Alternatively, sign in to My O2 online. To help you stay on...
- Missed Calls From 0845 and 0843 Numbers
As a gesture of goodwill, we are arranging a refund for our...
- Late Payment Fee
Late Payment Fee - Leaving O2: What you need to know – Help...
- Auto-Save
Apr 20, 2023 · If on contract, you will need to cancel your account Guide: Cancelling Your Contract Any refunds due will be returned to the bank account you are currently paying from. I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies.
You can check your final bill in My O2 online, but not in the My O2 app, as it will stop working once you’re disconnected. If your final bill is in credit, we’ll refund you automatically within the next 30 days to the account or card you usually pay your bill from. We'll send you a cheque if we don’t have your account or card details. If ...
If you have an account or service question/concern, the fastest and best way to get support is by sending u/MintMobileAlex, our Social Media Care Team, a DM. They usually get back to you within 3 hours. u/MintMobileAlex is best suited to address any questions or concerns you may have that are specific to your account.
Mar 16, 2020 · If your online account is still active, you can login and see this transaction once the issuer accepts the refund. Once the refund posts to your closed credit card account, you can call the bank to request a refund check for the balance. Otherwise, the steps required to get your hands on your money vary.
Any balance remaining on your device subsidy; If you cancelled in the middle of a billing period, you will receive a prorated refund for monthly fees. This amount will be refunded to you by cheque, which usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. Your MyRogers account will be active for an additional 12 months after cancellation. This way, you can review your ...
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Dec 10, 2023 · Hello, i have bought something that i didnt want to at all, u can check my acc and see what i bougt. I dont have any idea what i bough too. Can i please get a refund cuz i need those points for something else and i just started ):