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  1. Mar 17, 2024 · Before Minyan arrives: From the letter of the law, there is no issue with praying in private in a Shul prior to the gathering of the Minyan, and hence one may even initially go to Shul to Daven by himself prior to the start of the Minyan. Nonetheless, initially, it is better in such a situation for him to Daven alone at home rather than go to Shul and Daven before the Minyan.

  2. 1. when there's a minyan the shechina (divine presence) comes. when alone, angels must bring the prayer up, and its more problematic, and less acceptable. (zohar) also, every amen you say in a minyan/kedusha has big effects in the mystical worlds, and brings bracha to this world, and can only be said when the shechina comes to a minyan. Share.

  3. Jun 30, 2024 · Since davening with a minyan is a certain way to increase the ability of one's Tefillah to be answered (Brachot 8a) it is considered a biblical enhancement of Tefillah to daven with a minyan. However, the actual obligation to go out of one's way to go daven in a minyan is only rabbinic (Pesachim 46a). See Igrot Moshe OC 1:31, 2:27, and 3:7.

  4. One who must leave for work at a certain time and is faced with a choice of daven ing in a slow minyan (such as a yeshiva or kollel) and leaving before the end of daven ing, or daven ing in a quicker minyan where it is difficult for him to daven properly, should rather daven in the slower minyan – even if it means that he will miss kerias ha ...

  5. Mar 27, 2020 · If one needs to do a major activity (such as a haircut or a major meal) one should daven first, or appoint a shomer (a guard) to remind one to daven. Parts That are Not Said. As noted above, when davening alone one does not recite Kaddish and Kedusha. Nor does one say Barchu or hold a reading of the Torah with its blessings.

  6. › wiki › MinyanMinyan - Wikipedia

    There is a disagreement between the medieval commentators on whether prayer with a minyan is preferable or obligatory. Rashi is of the view that an individual is obligated to pray with a minyan , while Nahmanides holds that only if ten adult males are present are they obliged to recite their prayer together, but an individual is not required to seek out a minyan .

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  8. Shmuel. The biblical source for the requirement of ten men to complete a minyan (lit., “count” or “number”) is Numbers 14:27. Moses sent spies to scout the land of Canaan. Ten of them returned and issued a report concluding that it was not a conquerable land. G‑d was extremely disappointed with their lack of faith in His abilities.

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