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Search our collection of popular Bible dictionaries for the meaning of words found in the Bible. Our comprehensive dictionary combines definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allowing users to define and analyze Scripture.
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
As part of the Bible Study Tools Study Library, Easton's...
- Smith's Bible Dictionary
As part of the Bible Study Tools Study Library, Smith's...
- Bible Names
As part of the Bible Study Tools Study Library, Hitchcock's...
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
Search our collection of popular Bible dictionaries for the meaning of words found in the Bible. Our comprehensive dictionary combines definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allowing users to define and analyze Scripture.
This online dictionary of King James Version words contains over 11,000 definitions. This dictionary is derived from Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language , a dictionary published in 1828 which frequently uses Bible verses in the definitions.
Multi-Source Bible Dictionary: Easton's, Smith's, SAA, ATS, Webster's. Use the alphabetical directory above or enter your search directly into the dictionary search. Access the alphabetical index to view every word in all translations. Click over to the concordance or encyclopedia entry for your word.
King James Bible Dictionary - Eight of the world's greatest Bible dictionaries in one easy to use format. Eastons, Smiths, Naves, Websters 1828, Hitchcocks, Strongs, Thayers and Brown Driver Biggs.
The Strong's Concordance is an exhaustive cross-reference of every word in the King James Bible cross referened to lexicons of the original languages of the Bible. Although the concordance took over ten years and over 100 people to construct, it's content today, can be duplicated by modern computers in a fraction of a second.
Preface to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. To ascertain the exact meaning of the words and phraseology of the originals of the Holy Scriptures is of great importance, particularly those which have a variety of meanings in English.