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Mar 10, 2022 · "This new plant dictionary clearly defines over 4,100 terms used by botanists to describe plants in textbooks, scientific papers, floras and field guides. More than 730 entries are illustrated with detailed line drawings.
This glossary of botanical terms is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to botany and plants in general. Terms of plant morphology are included here as well as at the more specific Glossary of plant morphology and Glossary of leaf morphology.
Jan 27, 2012 · Although entitled ‘plant glossary’, it is not a fully comprehensive and exhaustive listing of all terms from the complete range of botanical knowledge. Rather, KPG culls its terms from those used by botanists to “describe plants in textbooks, scientific papers, floras and field guides” [back cover].
- Plant Parts
- Plant Types
- Types of Roots
- Types of Stem
- Types of Leaf
- Types of Inflorescence
- Types and Parts of Flower
Bud: An undeveloped, vegetative, or floral shoot, covered with protective scales, or consisting of a short axis bearing primordia of leaves or floral pans. Flower: Reproductive structure of angiosperms, consisting usually of sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. After fertilization, the ovules of flowers develop into seeds. Fruit: Mature ovary of f...
Annual: A plant that completes its entire life cycle, from seed to reproduction to death, in one single growing season. Aquatic: Organisms growing in water. Biennial: A plant that completes its entire life cycle in two growing seasons. In the first growing season, the plant grows vegetatively, while in the second growing season it flowers, mature s...
Adventitious Root: Root arising from any part of the plant body other than the radicle. It arises from an organ other than the root. Tap Root: The main, persistent, primary root of the plant, which shows apical dominance and develops from the radicle. Modified Roots Aerial: A root arising from a part of a plant, which is above the ground, e.g., bet...
Based (Surface, Forms, and Modifications) Acaulescent: Stemless or with an inconspicuous stem. Aerial: Stem, which remains above the ground, e.g., Sesbania. Angular: Stem showing many angles in a transverse section, e.g., Asparagus. Arborescent: Woody and treelike, e.g., Mangifera. Branched: Stem with many branches, Ranunculus. Bud: Small embryonic...
Compound leaf: A leaf in which the leaf blade or lamina remains divided into smaller, bladelike parts or leaflets is called a compound leaf. A compound leaf may be palmately compound or pinnately compound. Palmately Compound Leaf: If the leaflets diverge from a common point at the end of the petiole, in the same way as the fingers from the palm of ...
Cymose: In this type, the growth of the main axis is checked soon by the development of a flower at the apex and the lateral axis below the terminal flower also ends in a flower, and thus its growth is also checked. In cymose inflorescence, the terminal flower is the oldest and the young flowers are present on the lower side. Helicoid, circinnus, r...
Accessory Whorls: Calyx and corolla. Achlamydous: Without calyx and corolla. Actinomorphic: Flowers with radial symmetry; or flowers, which can be bisected into similar halves along two or more planes. Amorphic: Flowers without symmetry. Androecium: All stamens of a flower. Androgynophore: Stripe bearing both androphore and gynophore together. Andr...
- Malik Farhan
This comprehensive glossary overviews essential plant research, physiology, and horticulture terms. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or plant enthusiast, understanding these terms will deepen your knowledge and appreciation of plants’ diverse and complex lives.
Dictionary of botany is an easy-to-use reference source for anyone with interest in plant science. The dictionary contains some 3000 lucidly written entries, drawn from major fields of pure and applied plant science, including: taxonomy; anatomy; physiology; biochemistry; cell biology; plant pathology; genetics; ecology
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Terminology of plant groups with a taxon-unique terminology such as palms (Dransfield & Beentje, 1996), orchids (Dressler, 1993), succulents (Eggli, 1993), legumes (Verdcourt, 1979) and ferns (Lellinger, 2002) is also included, but not exhaustively.