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What does Acts 1:2 mean? Luke is writing to Theophilus, who is possibly a Roman official of some sort, about the beginning of the church. He briefly covered Jesus' ascension in Luke 24:50–52 and will go into more detail in Acts 1:6–11.
THE THEME OF ACTS Acts 1:1 - Acts 1:2. - Acts 28:30 - Acts 28:31. So begins and so ends this Book. I connect the commencement and the close, because I think that the juxtaposition throws great light upon the purpose of the writer, and suggests some very important lessons.
Who was Paul? How did the gospel get from Jerusalem to Rome? The Book of Acts answers these questions. “A great New Testament scholar has said that the title of Acts might be, ‘How they brought the Good News from Jerusalem to Rome.’” (Barclay) ii. That expansion from Jerusalem to Rome is a remarkable story.
(1.) "In Jerusalem; there you must begin, and many there will receive your testimony; and those that do not will be left inexcusable." (2.) "Your light shall thence shine throughout all Judea, where before you have laboured in vain."
Sep 20, 2022 · Welcome to our book of Acts Bible Study. Over the next several months (if it's God's will) we will study through each chapter of the book. Today we discuss Acts 1 (verses 1-12). In this chapter, Jesus ascends to heaven and a new Apostle, Matthias is selected to replace Judas Iscariot.
The Gospel of Luke recounts the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Acts continues the story as Jesus ascends to heaven, the Holy Spirit descends onto His followers, and those followers spread the message of Jesus' saving sacrifice. Acts 1 is a kind of segue between the two accounts.
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So the presbyters of the Church are called bishops (Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Timothy 1:1, 2. etc.). The ecclesiastical names for the different offices in the Church only acquired their distinctive use later, and by the gradual growth of custom.