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Discover the meaning of Crier in the Bible. Study the definition of Crier with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.
CRIER. kri'-er (qara'; compare boao): (1) Neither is this exact word found in English Versions of the Bible, nor a word exactly corresponding to it in the Hebrew Bible, but the character it stands for appears as "one who cries aloud," i.e., proclaims mandates or gives public messages.
CRIER. kri'-er (qara'; compare boao): (1) Neither is this exact word found in English Versions of the Bible, nor a word exactly corresponding to it in the Hebrew Bible, but the character it stands for appears as "one who cries aloud," i.e., proclaims mandates or gives public messages.
CRIER - kri'-er (qara'; compare boao): (1) Neither is this exact word found in English Versions of the Bible, nor a word exactly corresponding to it in the Hebrew Bible, but the character it stands for appears as "one who cries aloud," i.e., proclaims mandates or gives public messages.
Definitions of words from the Authorized King James Bible, compiled from the Webster 1828 Dictionary, with all word forms grouped together.
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one that cries:; an officer who proclaims the orders of a court; town crier… See the full definition