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Jan 14, 2021 · When you want to cite a PDF, you should determine what type of source it contains (e.g. a book or journal article) and cite it in the appropriate format. You can use our free MLA Citation Generator to do this easily.
Need to cite a PDF in MLA format? Make sure to include the author, article title, date, and URL. Learn more about PDF citations in MLA format here.
MLA format follows the author-page method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the page number (s) from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken must appear in the text, and a complete reference should appear on your Works Cited page.
In-text Citations The purpose of the in-text citation is to make it easy for a reader to find the original source in your Works Cited list. At the same time, you do not want to include so much information in the in-text citation that it makes the formatting awkward. • In most cases, the in-text citation will indicate the author.
MLA style is mainly used by students in English and the Humanities. It consists of two parts: a list of works cited, and parenthetical references (also called in-text citations) within the text of your essay. your paper. The list of works cited appears on a separate page at the end of the essay.
Practicing In-Text Citations Each item below includes a flawed example of an in-text citation. Using the corresponding works-cited list, write a correct in text-citation for each example (in some cases, you will have more than one option). You may have to add information, delete information, or move information to make the example correct. 1.
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Jul 9, 2019 · An MLA in-text citation provides the author’s last name and a page number in parentheses. If a source has two authors, name both. If a source has more than two authors, name only the first author, followed by “ et al. ” If the part you’re citing spans multiple pages, include the full page range.