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  1. The government-wide COA is to be used by all departments and agencies of the federal government included in the Government of Canada Reporting Entity. The departments and agencies to which the COA apply are those organizations listed in Schedules I, I.1 and II of the Financial Administration Act.

    • Chapter 4

      4.1 Introduction. This chapter provides an explanation of...

    • Overview
    • His­Tory of Sec­Tion Ps 1300
    • Pub­Lic sec­tor Ac­Count­Ing dis­cus­sion Group meet­ings

    This Sec­tion de­fines the scope of the gov­ern­ment re­port­ing en­tity in terms of the or­ga­ni­za­tions whose fi­nan­cial af­fairs and re­sources would be in­cluded in gov­ern­ment fi­nan­cial state­ments and es­tab­lishes stan­dards on how to ac­count for and dis­close those or­ga­ni­za­tions in gov­ern­ment fi­nan­cial state­ments. It also es­...

    Note: The above sum­mary does not in­clude de­tails of con­se­quen­tial amend­ments made as the re­sult of other pro­jects.

  2. The government-wide chart of accounts is a framework that explains how departments and agencies should identify, collect and report financial transactions to consistently satisfy the government’s corporate information requirements.

  3. May 1, 2023 · Departmental Financial Statements should include all government components the deputy head (DH) is accountable for as the accounting officer of the department. This is different from a reporting entity that is based on a ministerial portfolio.

  4. The government reporting entity (GRE) is comprised of the organizations that are controlled by the government, which include the Province’s departments and public service units (General Revenue Fund), government business enterprises (GBEs), other

    • 149KB
    • 10
  5. Government Reporting Entity – should comprise government components and those organizations that are controlled by the government. Governmental unit – is a government component, government not-for-profit organization or other government organization.

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  7. The reporting entity of the Government of Canada includes all of the government organizations which comprise the legal entity of the government as well as other organizations, including Crown corporations, which are separate legal entities but are controlled by the government.

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