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Mar 13, 2023 · Finalizers (historically referred to as destructors) are used to perform any necessary final clean-up when a class instance is being collected by the garbage collector. In most cases, you can avoid writing a finalizer by using the System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle or derived classes to wrap any unmanaged handle.
Nov 4, 2010 · Finalizers are needed to guarantee the release of scarce resources back into the operating system like file handles, sockets, kernel objects, etc. For more correct real-world examples, browse around affected classes in .Net:
Nov 23, 2024 · Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. The following example verifies that the Finalize method is called when an object that overrides Finalize is destroyed.
Jan 29, 2024 · A C# destructor automatically calls the destructor of its base class. Visual C++ also provides its own syntax for implementing the Finalize method. For more information, see the "Destructors and finalizers" section of How to: Define and Consume Classes and Structs (C++/CLI).
Mar 8, 2019 · Finalizers (which are also called destructors) are used to perform any necessary final clean-up when a class instance is being collected by the garbage collector. Some important points about...
Aug 20, 2021 · Finalizers in C# perform any necessary final clean-up when a class instance is being collected by the garbage collector.
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Finalizers, also known as destructors, are special methods in C# that are automatically called by the garbage collector (GC) to clean up resources before an object is destroyed. They are declared using the syntax ~ClassName() .