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outside of the function definition. Defining Functions No header file or declaration of types of function or arguments def get_final_answer(filename): “““Documentation String””” line1 line2 return total_counter Function definition begins with “def.” Function name and its arguments. The keyword ‘return’ indicates the
Terminology summary Variables have a name and are associated with a value Variable assignment is the process of associating a value with the name (use the equals sign =)
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- 116
what kind of data it should expect in your function definition n You can do this by establishing a variable name in the function definition. This variable will be auto declared every time you call your function, and will assume the value of the argument passed to the function. +
- 1MB
- 85
- About this Book
- Strings
- print x
- Methods
- true
- Modules
- 'Tue Sep 11 21:42:06 2012'
This book is prepared from the training notes of Anand Chitipothu. Anand conducts Python training classes on a semi-regular basis in Bangalore, India. Checkout out the upcoming trainings if you are interested.
Strings what you use to represent text. Strings are a sequence of characters, enclosed in single quotes or double quotes. >> x = "hello" >> y = 'world' >> print x, y hello world There is difference between single quotes and double quotes, they can used interchangebly. Multi-line strings can be written using three single quotes or three double quote...
y = '''multi-line strings can be written using three single quote characters as well.
Methods are special kind of functions that work on an object. For example, upper is a method available on string objects. >> x = "hello" >> print x.upper()
> istrcmp('LaTeX', 'Latex') True > istrcmp('a', 'b') False
Modules are libraries in Python. Python ships with many standard library modules. A module can be imported using the import statement. Lets look at time module for example: >> import time >> time.asctime()
The asctime function from the time module returns the current time of the system as a string. The sys module provides access to the list of arguments passed to the program, among the other things. The sys.argv variable contains the list of arguments passed to the program. As a convention, the first element of that list is the name of the program. L...
• Functions are full-fledged objects in Python • This means you can pass functions as parameters • Example: Calculate the average of the values of a function at -n, -n+1, -n+2, …, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, … , n-2, n-1, n • The function needs to be a function of one integer variable • Example: • n = 2, function is squaring
Function Definition def fct(x,y,z): """documentation""" # statements block, res computation, etc. return res function name (identifier) result value of the call, if no computed result to return: return None ☝ parameters and all variables of this block exist only in the block and during the function call (think of a “black box”) named ...
Click on the latest version (in the example above, click on the DDownload Python 3.6.2 button) to start the installation. The program will download an executable (.exe) file. When you run this program, you will see an install window like the one shown below. Click the IInstall Now option and the program will start installing Python onto your ...