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in·car·cer·at·ed (in-kar'sĕr-ā-tĕd), Do not confuse this word with strangulated. Confined; imprisoned; trapped. [L. in, in, + carcero, pp. -atus, to imprison ...
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- Incarcerated
prison. prison, place of confinement for the punishment and...
- Incarcerate
Define incarcerate. incarcerate synonyms, incarcerate...
- Medical Dictionary
incarceration [in-kahr″sĕ-ra´shun] unnatural retention or...
- Wikipedia Encyclopedia
incarceration [in-kahr″sĕ-ra´shun] unnatural retention or confinement of a part. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh ...
INCARCERATE - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus
Define incarcerate. incarcerate synonyms, incarcerate pronunciation, incarcerate translation, English dictionary definition of incarcerate. tr.v. in·car·cer·at·ed , in·car·cer·at·ing , in·car·cer·ates 1.
Synonyms for INCARCERATE: imprison, jail, intern, detain, confine, commit, restrain, arrest; Antonyms of INCARCERATE: liberate, free, release, discharge, emancipate ...
To confine or imprison.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
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Master the word "INCARCERATE" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource.