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Intonation is a complex system of meaning communicated through the rise and fall of a speaker's voice. English speakers use it to communicate many different types of meaning: relational e.g. how 'open', friendly or 'closed' we are towards a listener. How does it work? the voice UP ( ) or DOWN ( ).
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Intonation is a layer of meaning beyond words and helps speakers communicate meaning through the rise and fall of the voice. The patterns of rise and fall are described as ‘tones’.
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-Listen to the examples and decide which pattern is used in the answers. • English Intonation uses three PATTERNS: FALL \, RISE /, & FALL-RISE \/. • PATTERNS can show a speaker’s attitude to their words.
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Nov 1, 2012 · PDF | Intonation refers to a combination of acoustic parameters, including duration, intensity, and pitch used to communicate discourse meaning. | Find, read and cite all the research you...
Practice these dialogues using the 5 basic rules of intonation: falling, rising, choice, list, double-rise . Also, pay attention to the personality and emotion portrayed by your pitch.
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A broader definition of intonation includes loudness, and segmental length and quality, although languages differ in the extent to which they modulate these to achieve highlighting and phrasing.
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Prosody refers to all suprasegmental aspects of speech, including pitch, duration, amplitude and voice quality that are used to make lexical and post-lexical contrasts, and to convey paralinguistic meanings. Tone refers to pitch patterns that make lexical, grammatical or morphological contrasts in many languages.