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  1. 1. (n.) A gear; a tackle. 2. (n.) An assemblage or combination of tackles, for hoisting or lowering the lower yards of a ship. 3. (v.) To utter sarcastic or scoffing reflections; to speak with mockery or derision; to use taunting language; to scoff; as, to jeer at a speaker.

  2. Meaning of Jeer Bible verses : Jeer - Webster-1913 (1): (v.) To utter sarcastic or scoffing reflections; to speak with mockery or derision; to use taunting language; to scoff;…

    • Quick Reference Dictionary. Search our collection of popular Bible dictionaries for the meaning of words found in the Bible. Our comprehensive dictionary combines definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allowing users to define and analyze Scripture.
    • Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology. One of the most useful and practical theological reference books in print. With bibliographies for most entries, further study is quite practical.
    • Easton's Bible Dictionary. Easton's Bible Dictionary was authored by Matthew George Easton (1823-1894). In addition to his Bible dictionary, this Scottish Presbyterian's most significant literary achievements were his English translations of two of Franz Delitzsch's commentaries.
    • Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary. This dictionary is from "Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible," written by Roswell D. Hitchcock in 1869.
  3. The unabridged Webster's 1828 dictionary is included in the Deluxe edition of SwordSearcher Bible Software. The SwordSearcher edition of the dictionary is complete (over 60,000 definitions) and much quicker to access and use than this online version. A word of caution: Webster's dictionary is an excellent resource, but it is not infallible.

  4. Multi-Version Concordance Jeers (1 Occurrence). Hebrews 11:36 Others were tried Hebrews 11:36 Others were tried by mocking and scourging, yes, moreover by bonds and imprisonment.

  5. Modern technology renders Strong's original concordance obsolete, since a computer can duplicate Strong's work in a fraction of a second. However, Strong's Hebrew and Greek lexicons are still used today as a reference tool, and Strong's original numbering system of Hebrew and Greek words has become the standard for original language reference in study of the Bible.

  6. People also ask

  7. This dictionary is from 'Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible', published in the late 1800s. It contains more than 2,500 Bible and Bible-related proper names and their meanings. Some Hebrew words of uncertain meaning have been left out. It is out of copyright, so feel free to copy and distribute it.