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CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII's goal is to make Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet. This website provides access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions.
- Ontario
Child and Family Services Review Board: 2007 - 2024-11-28...
- Alberta
Alberta Law Enforcement Review Board: 2002 - 2024-11-22 723:...
- British Columbia
Law Society of British Columbia: 2003 - 2024-11-25 954:...
- Federal
Access collections and useful links for Canada (Federal)...
- Quebec
Comité de discipline de l'organisme d'autoréglementation du...
- Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan District Court: 1907 - 1981 2024-03-13 208:...
- Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Family Court: 2006 - 2022 2023-11-20 992: Boards...
- Newfoundland and Labrador
Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador: 1988 - 2024-08-22...
- Ontario
- Atro’S: Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders
- CP: Community Property
- CPS: Child Protective Services
- DCSS: Department of Child Support Services
- Dom: Date of Marriage
- Dos: Date of Separation
- Dvtro: Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order
- Ex Parte
- FCS: Family Court Services
- FLF: Family Law Facilitator’s Office
A court order that goes into effect upon the filing of a petition for dissolution, legal separation or annulment. Such orders restraineach spouse from disposing of, wasting or encumbering property or taking minor children out of the State until further court order.
Also called marital property, this is everything that spouses or domestic partners own together. It includes everything a spouse bought or got during the marriage or in a domestic partnership, including debt, that is not a gift or inheritance. Community propertyalso includes all the earnings of either spouse or partner during the marriage and every...
CPS investigates reports of suspected child abuse and neglect and intervenes with families who do not meet the minimum community standards of health and safety as required by law. Matters involving CPS are handled in juvenile court, however, a case involving CPS will effect child custody orders made in family court.
The Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) provides free services to families receiving state welfare funds, including representation to establish paternity, establish, enforce or modify child support orders, and to collect and distribute child and spousal support payments.
The date the marriage began, by signing and registering a marriage license, witnessed by a third party.
The date of separation for divorces or registered domestic partnerships is when one spouse (or both) or one partner (or both) decides that the marriage or partnership is over and takes some actions to show this (like moving out of the house).
A restraining order is a court order issued to prevent the recurrence of acts of abuse by a batterer. Abuse includes causing bodily injury, sexual assault, placing a person in reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury, or engaging in any behavior that disturbs the peace of another who is of a close relation to the abuser. The restraining ord...
These Latin words mean “from one side only.” An example is a motion that is made without giving notice to the other side. In many courts, even ex parte motions require 24-hour notice to the other side except under unusual circumstances.
FCS provides child custody recommendations in family lawcases when separating or divorcing parents cannot agree on a joint legal custody plan. Legal custody counseling is provided in a private counseling office with a court counselor. The FCS conference allows both parents to work together toward a mutually acceptable agreement that is in the best ...
The staff of the Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF) is available, at no cost, to help unrepresented parents and parties who have questions about family law issues. They can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF is staffed by court attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law. The FLF does not ...
Definition of "pierce" The act of identifying the true nature or understanding the reality of something, despite misleading or false appearances ; How to use "pierce" in a sentence. The lawyer was able to pierce the defendant's alibi and expose the truth. The judge was known for his ability to pierce through false testimonies.
What is 'Pierce'? Learn more about legal terms and the law at
Jan 20, 2021 · Piercing the corporate veil is an equitable remedy which a court may exercise in certain instances to disregard the distinct legal personality of a corporation.
Family Law Intake Staff - a court’s employee(s) who is (are) available to assist you in filing a family law case. Family law intake staff are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice.
Plaintiff William Pierce—who is profoundly deaf and communicates with American Sign Language—claims that prison officials in the District of Columbia violated his right to be free from unlawful disability discrimination in 2012, when Pierce was incarcerated in the District’s Correctional Treatment Facility following his guilty plea to a simple a...