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prominence के देवनागरी में उर्दू अर्थ शोहरत prominence کے اردو معانی
The meaning of Prominence in Urdu is "نمایاں ہونا" as written in Urdu script, or "Numaya hona" as written in Roman Urdu. Other possible Urdu translations for Prominence include "Numaya hona" .
Prominence Meaning in English to Urdu is نمایاں ہونا, as written in Urdu and Numaya Hona, as written in Roman Urdu.
in a prominent way - ایک نمایاں انداز میں; prominent note - نمایاں نوٹ; surge prominence - اضافے کی اہمیت; in prominent places - نمایاں جگہوں پر; be most prominent - سب سے نمایاں ہو; was prominent - نمایاں تھا; are given prominence - اہمیت دی جاتی ہے۔
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Resurgence : حیات نو , Personality : شخصیت , Special : خاص ڈش , Featured : نمایاں , Cheekbone : آنکھ کے نیچے کی ہڈی , Ambo : منبر , Accentuation : زور ڈال کر اظہار کرنا , Accent : زور , Mount : پہاڑ , Convex Shape : حدب , Bug Out : باہر نکل آنا , Bulge : ابھارنا , Olecranon : کہنی کی ہڈی کے جوڑ کے آگے کی ہڈی , Orient : مانوس کرنا , Abroad : گھر سے ...
Resurgence: bringing again into activity and prominence. Personality: a person of considerable prominence. Special: a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant. Featured: made a feature or highlight; given prominence. Cheekbone: the arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek. Ambo: a platform raised above the surro...
The Prominence of Tense, Aspect, and Mood. From Obscurity to Prominence: Salvation. The Prominence Book of Faith: How Humans Became a Prominent Species.
Definition: Prominence Meaning in English to Urdu is نمایاں ہونا, as written in Urdu and Numaya Hona, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Prominence which include Bulge, Bump, Cliff, Conspicuousness, Crag, Crest, Elevation, Eminence, Headland, Height, Mound, Pinnacle, Rise, Spur, Swelling, Tor, Protuberance ...
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