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Jan 1, 2012 · Feeling that one knows oneself facilitates using the self to make sense and make choices, using the self as an important perceptual, motivational and self-regulatory tool.
Dec 23, 2019 · Introduction: making sense of the person in a social world / Richard Stevens -- The embodied self: a biological perspective / Frederick Toates -- The interpreting self: an experimentalist perspective / Mansur Lalljee / The reflexive self: an experiential perspective / Richard Stevens -- The distributed self: a social constructionist perspective ...
In this paper, we identify four broad models of self in psychology: self as inner life, social conceptions of identity, relational conceptions of self and conceptions of self based on group identifications.
- Daphna Oyserman
psychology and epistemology of the kind of self-understanding that is required for critical reason and morality, and that is itself constitutive to being a self, and a person.
Scientists and practitioners alike invest in theorizing the self in psychology, but prioritize differently theoretical and practical objectives. Theorizing the self differs also when mapped onto the ‘science versus art’ debate, viewed historically and with reference to the philosophy of science.
- Edward Albert Celeste
Following this, we define the self as: an organized and interactive system of thoughts, feelings, identities, and motives that (1) is born of self-reflexivity and language, (2) people attribute to themselves, and (3) characterizes specific human beings.
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Jul 15, 2017 · Here are definitions and perspectives about the self including concepts such as self-esteem, self- worth , self-love , the related concept identity , and possible useful assessment...