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  1. The meaning of TRIVIALIZE is to make trivial : reduce to triviality. How to use trivialize in a sentence.

  2. TRIVIALIZE definition: 1. to make something seem less important than it really is: 2. to make something seem less…. Learn more.

  3. When you trivialize an issue, you make it look more trivial than it is, or less significant. The Latin root of both trivialize and trivial is trivialis , "common, commonplace, or vulgar." Definitions of trivialize

  4. TRIVIALIZE meaning: 1. to make something seem less important than it really is: 2. to make something seem less…. Learn more.

  5. Synonyms: undervalue, underestimate, play down, minimize More Synonyms of trivialize

  6. Define trivialize. trivialize synonyms, trivialize pronunciation, trivialize translation, English dictionary definition of trivialize. tr.v. triv·i·al·ized , triv·i·al·iz·ing , triv·i·al·iz·es To make or cause to appear trivial: tried to trivialize their criticisms. triv′i·al·i·za′tion n....

  7. People also ask

  8. Discover everything about the word "TRIVIALIZE" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide.

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