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Thieme’s Bible Doctrine Dictionary delineates over eight hundred terms and related doctrines that teach the Godhead, angelic and human history, salvation, and the Christian way of
- Quick Reference Dictionary. Search our collection of popular Bible dictionaries for the meaning of words found in the Bible. Our comprehensive dictionary combines definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allowing users to define and analyze Scripture.
- Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology. One of the most useful and practical theological reference books in print. With bibliographies for most entries, further study is quite practical.
- Easton's Bible Dictionary. Easton's Bible Dictionary was authored by Matthew George Easton (1823-1894). In addition to his Bible dictionary, this Scottish Presbyterian's most significant literary achievements were his English translations of two of Franz Delitzsch's commentaries.
- Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary. This dictionary is from "Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible," written by Roswell D. Hitchcock in 1869.
The Tyndale Bible Dictionary includes all the significant people, places, and terms in the Bible. The dictionary also has comprehensive articles on all the books of the Bible, significant words in the Bible, translations of the Bible, manuscripts of the Bible, and the canon of Scripture
Our comprehensive dictionary combines definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allowing users to define and analyze Scripture.
This Expository Dictionary seeks to present about 500 significant terms of the Old Testament for lay readers who are not familiar with Hebrew. It describes the frequency, usage, and meaning of these terms as fully as possible. No source has been ignored in seeking to bring the latest Hebrew scholarship to the student who seeks it. It is hoped that
This dictionary is designed as a non-technical reference book for pastors, teachers, and lay students of Scripture. It offers a comprehensive (though not exhaustive) analysis and discussion of both Old Testament Hebrew (and Aramaic) and New Testament Greek terms.
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Apr 4, 2022 · The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary is designed both for those who need information quickly and those who want in-depth treatments of hundreds of topics. Each entry begins with a brief definition of the word followed by more detailed information.