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Jul 24, 2023 · As the Creator, God is the all-wise originator and designer of all things: “How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all” (Psalm 104:24). When God created the heavens and the earth, He did so by speaking it into existence. When He created the things that filled the earth and the sky, He spoke them into being (Genesis 1:11–16).
- Questions About Creation
Why did God create such a vast universe and other planets if...
- Genesis 2
All that He had created was good, and His work was finished....
- What is The Biblical Creation Story
In the six days of creation, God formed light, the universe,...
- Questions About Creation
- Introduction
- “In The Beginning, God”
- God Created “The Heavens and The Earth”
- God Is Source and Sustainer of Everything
- God Created Everything Good
- God Invested His Creatures with Responsibility and Significance
- The Diversity in Creation Is Suggestive of The Trinity
- God’s Creating Is Not The Same as Human Creating
It is hard to imagine that there is any topic within Christianity that has been responsible for more debate and disagreement than the doctrine of creation. The question of whether or not God created everything in the universe is a line in the sand, so to speak, that immediately divides everyone in the world into two camps: those who believe in crea...
The first four words of the Bible place immediate emphasis upon God. They tell us from the very beginning that before anything else in the universe existed, God already was. Nothing brought him into being. Nothing gave him existence. He was around long before anything else was. He was around long before there was even such a thing as time itself. G...
When the Bible says that God “created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1), it does not mean to suggest that he only created those two things and nothing else. The Bible is here employing a figure of speech called merism, in which two contrasting terms are used to express totality. We do the same thing regularly in our marriage vows when we pledge...
The fact that God is the only uncreated and eternal being in the universe, who is also creator of all, means that he is the source and sustainer of everything that exists. We not only “have our being” in him, but we “live and move” in him as well (Acts 17:28; cf. Heb. 1:3; 2 Pet. 3:7). This means that every person in the universe is subject to God ...
These initial aspects of the doctrine of creation also mean that good and evil are not competing powers in the universe, as dualistic worldviews might suggest. God is good, and the creation he brings into existence reflects that goodness. Evil—which I take to be an anti-God posture, what the Bible calls ungodliness—was not a part of the original cr...
The fact that God created humankind in his image and invested us with the right to exercise dominion means that we are stewards of his creation and accountable to him for how well we care for what he has made. We are responsible not only for how we personally take care of God’s creation as individuals, but for how everyone else does as well. After ...
The human race is incredibly diverse. Differences in physical appearance, gender, mental capability, personality, gifting, and relationship all exist in the human race from the moment of creation. The fact that God has created the entire human race in His own image indicates that his image obviously encompasses the incredible diversity that we see ...
As mentioned previously, God’s creative action is different from ours. When we make something, we use pre-existing materials to do it. We do not create anything that did not already exist. But when God created the universe, he did not use anything that was pre-existing, because “in the beginning” God alone existed. This means that God created the u...
Aug 15, 2022 · But the opening statement in Scripture—“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”—points to the truth that God created everything out of nothing. Indeed, only three options exist, and only one corresponds to reality. First is the view that in the beginning nothing existed. Neither mass, nor energy, nor the Almighty.
Oct 31, 2024 · The Bible teaches that God created all things from nothing (Job 26:7; Romans 4:17; Hebrews 11:3). He is the absolute origin and source of life. “Through Him . . . are all things.” Everything exists through God’s power and wisdom. Paul explains, “For through him [Christ] God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth.
Mar 29, 2024 · There is nothing that Jesus did not create. The apostle John put it like this: “All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created” (John 1:3, CSB). God the Father is the architect of creation. He determined to bring all things into existence. But Jesus, His Son, is the agent who brought ...
May 16, 2024 · All that God creates is good because God is goodness itself and all things in varying ways and degrees reflect the divine nature. Because of this we cannot conceive of evil things as a subset of those things which exist. If we did so, then we would either be denying that God created all things, or that God is eternally good.
People also ask
Did God create all things?
Is Everything created through God?
Did God create everything out of nothing?
What does the Bible say about creation?
Did God create anything that did not already exist?
How did God create the world?
Sep 5, 2024 · God created us for himself. We are his own personal possession. God did not create because of any lack that he had. God has no needs that we, or this creation, can meet. Psalm 50:9-13 expresses this well. In the psalm, God expressed that all of creation is his, and he needs nothing that we can provide. Creation Flows from His Nature