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Even though God has created all things, he has not created them all alike in significance or value. The Bible is clear that humankind is the apex of God’s creative work. Human beings were the final creative act of God on the final “day” of creation, created in the image of God and charged with exercising dominion over everything else (Gen. 1:24-8).
Mar 29, 2024 · There is nothing that Jesus did not create. The apostle John put it like this: “All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created” (John 1:3, CSB). God the Father is the architect of creation. He determined to bring all things into existence. But Jesus, His Son, is the agent who brought ...
Nov 11, 2016 · Second, through the falling experience, we have come to know that while God is being the all-loving and compassionate, He also sets rules that cannot be ignored or disobeyed, and man as created beings must honor the rules and commandments set by his creator or otherwise it will lead to infinite sufferings and death—-“for the LORD Most High is to be feared, A great King over all the earth ...
May 16, 2024 · All that God creates is good because God is goodness itself and all things in varying ways and degrees reflect the divine nature. Because of this we cannot conceive of evil things as a subset of those things which exist. If we did so, then we would either be denying that God created all things, or that God is eternally good.
Oct 31, 2024 · The Bible teaches that God created all things from nothing (Job 26:7; Romans 4:17; Hebrews 11:3). He is the absolute origin and source of life. “Through Him . . . are all things.” Everything exists through God’s power and wisdom. Paul explains, “For through him [Christ] God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth.
Aug 15, 2022 · But the opening statement in Scripture—“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”—points to the truth that God created everything out of nothing. Indeed, only three options exist, and only one corresponds to reality. First is the view that in the beginning nothing existed. Neither mass, nor energy, nor the Almighty.
People also ask
Did God create all things?
Is Everything created through God?
Did God create everything out of nothing?
Did God create anything that did not already exist?
Who created all things?
What does the Bible say about creation?
Jan 5, 2023 · Darkness is simply a lack of light, which is enormously helpful in seeing a few things. First of all, God, while sovereign over all things, is not the creator, the author, of evil. But it also means that evil simply does not have the kind of existence good does. Good and evil are not equal and opposite things. Good is an eternal reality found ...