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  1. Let’s learn about how the process of crossing over prepares us for our new spiritual life. ↓↓↓ FREE e-book downloads and more below ↓↓↓...more. What if dying isn’t scary, but instead it is full...

    • 73 min
    • 265.2K
    • Off The Left Eye
  2. Sep 28, 2020 · For many people, worry, anxiety, and fear are constant companions: fear of death, fear of danger, fear of disease. And too often, these fears are crippling, keeping us from the life God has...

    • 9 min
    • 797.8K
    • 100huntley
  3. Yes, the Bible indicates that when we die we will not be alone, but angels will accompany us on our journey to heaven (if that is our destiny). In one of His parables, Jesus told about a poor man who had suffered much during his time on earth.

  4. Jun 29, 2021 · Watch the video to find out what Heaven is like according to witnesses. #Heaven #Religion #AfterlifeTouring Heaven on Gabriel’s back | 0:00Sir Owain’s time i...

    • 12 min
    • 999.5K
    • Grunge
    • Angels Like to Get Dressed-Up (Kind of).
    • They Are Super-Geniuses (Smarter Than Tony Stark).
    • They’Re Probably Laughing at You Right now.
    • Angels Are Snowflakes.
    • Angels Can’T Get bored.
    • They Love us.
    • Angels Are Telepaths.
    • Angels Are Always in Contact with God.
    • They Contain The Space in Which They operate.
    • Angels Are More Beautiful Than We Can Possibly Imagine.

    If you’re like me, then you may think that angels have halos and wings, or are (creepy) little babies. Both cases are incorrect. Angels are pure spirits, so they don’t actually have bodies at all. However, angels will assume a human body when the need arises (it’s pretty rare). This assumption of a body is sort of like how we dress up for Halloween...

    Angels don’t think like humans do. We use logic to get from one thought to the next, like so: We are human. God loves every human unconditionally. Therefore, God loves all of us. For angels, they just know that God loves everyone instantaneously. They don’t take any intermediate steps, they just reach the conclusion. They have insights constantly. ...

    Because angels are so smart, they find things very humorous. The more knowledge you know, the more puns you can make, the more things are ironic, and you are amused by more things. Angels aren’t laughing at us to be mean; they’re just amused by all of the weird things that we do. I assume that my guardian angel can never stop laughing because I’m s...

    As in each and every single angel is unique and different from any other angel, so much so that each angel could be considered a different species. This means that every angel has their very own, very different personality.

    Because they are outside of our space-time, angels have no chronological time, which means that they never wait, and they can’t get bored because they are part of the immaterial world. Not only that, but guardian angels are never bored because humans are the subject of their attention, and humans don’t end, they just keep going.

    It naturally follows that love follows knowledge. Because angels have the power to think (they are conscious) and the power to choose (they have free will); angels will the good of us, which is the precise definition of love. They have no other motive except to see us in heaven, where we belong.

    Since they don’t have a body to speak with, they just communicate with one another by instantly sending their thoughts.

    Even when they are paying attention to us, they are glorifying God and receiving whatever God wants them to know. Since they are beings outside of space, they can be present to more than one thing at any moment. This means that they operate on earth without ever leaving heaven.

    I always imagined that my guardian angel would hover above me and to one side, but since they don’t have a body, it makes sense that they surround us at all times.

    Because they are more like God than we are, they are more beautiful, because God is Beauty. Artists try and capture the beauty of angels, but they will always fall drastically short because there is nothing in this world that can describe or show such beauty.

  5. Mar 18, 2012 · I know we've all heard of Guardian Angels, but do you think they love us? I'm sure they can probably see our wretchedness like The Lord can, and in The Bible the few times it spoke about Angels they seemed kind of stern?

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  7. Since angels carried Lazarus to Abraham’s Bosom, since Jesus and the archangel will escort believers to Heaven at the Rapture, and because so many people have “seen” or “experienced” angels at death, it’s biblically reasonable to conclude that when Christians die angels do escort them to Heaven.

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