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  1. Feb 18, 2015 · Perhaps best known for inspiring mermaid folklore in the Pacific, the rotund, graceful dugongsclose relatives of manatees and sea cows—are stars of Malaysia’s shallow ocean meadows. See...

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  2. Jul 22, 2019 · Seagrass meadows, particularly those containing H. uninervis and H. ovalis, provide food for dugong and green sea turtles. Dugongs feed mostly on the roots of H. uninervis. Halodule uninervis and H. ovalis are reported to be the most nutritious seagrasses due to high nitrogen and starch content.

  3. Jul 28, 2018 · Aragones measured the IVDMD of the leaves, roots/rhizomes and whole plants of 10 seagrass species eaten by dugongs including two species of Cymodocea, five species of Halophila, Halodule uninervis, Syringodium isoetifolium and Zostera muelleri.

    • Helene Marsh, Alana Grech, Kathryn McMahon
    • 2018
  4. Extends down to 10 m subtidally and dominates seagrass beds. Supports shrimp and fish both as nursery ground and source of primary production. Grazed by fish, dugongs and turtles (Ref. 801 ).

  5. Anderson (1998) observed dugongs feeding on Halodule uninervis in Shark Bay in summer, and inferred from their behaviour that they fed on Amphibolis antarctica (Anderson 1982) and Halophila spinulosa (Anderson 1994) at other locations in Shark Bay in winter.

  6. Oct 4, 2019 · What Do Dugongs Eat? Dugongs are strict herbivores that feed on seagrass, especially the Hydrocharitaceae and Potamogetonaceae family of seagrasses. They prefer seagrasses that are low in fiber content, high in nitrogen, and easily digestible. Their intestines are long and suitable for digesting seagrass, and their metabolism rate is low.

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  8. Oct 1, 2021 · Dugong feeding trails were mostly recorded at sites dominated by the fast-growing pioneer seagrasses Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis and/or H. stipulacea.