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  1. Jan 5, 2024 · Encyclopedic art museums are under fire over charges of elitism, colonialism and a variety of ills, but three shows at the Cleveland Museum of Art underscore how globe-spanning art exhibits...

  2. Many museums have been forced to make staff layoffs and furloughs, temporarily close doors, cut programs, lose revenue and, for those lucky enough to have them, dip into endowments.

    • Contributing Writer
    • 2 min
  3. Debates on provenance in general, cultural origins, and restitutions of African heritage have exerted pressure on encyclopedic museums, and indeed on all manner of museums. Is there still a place for an institution dedicated to gathering, preserving, and showcasing all the world’s cultures?

  4. Mar 8, 2022 · Contrary to appearances, the problems museums face are not essentially internal ones: They have to do with the contradictions inherent in the museums relation to society at large, and there...

  5. Jun 25, 2020 · Change begins with awareness of the problem, they say. But Berger found that museums were broadly unable to meaningfully present works by African American artists 30 years ago.

  6. Sep 20, 2023 · Despite these complexities, there is no doubt that at least some, and perhaps many, of the items in encyclopedic museums should be returned to their originating communities or their otherwise...

  7. People also ask

  8. Jul 22, 2020 · Museums are thus facing a double crisis: unprecedented limitations to their physical operations and vocal calls to redress their complicity in racial injustice. This has led to a moment of profound questioning: What exactly should a museum be, and what counts as diversity and inclusion in such institutions?