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Pride, personality, and the evolutionary foundations of human social status. Evolution and Human Behavior, 31, 334-347. (Supplementary Material) Scoring Key (for both self- and peer-report versions): Dominance score is computed by averaging items: 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 (reversed), 11, 12 (reversed), 16.
- People
Calista was the lab manager for the Emotion & Self Lab from...
- Publications
Toward a Unified Science of Hierarchy: Dominance and...
- Take Pride
But while pride can inspire feats of genius, Tracy explains,...
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Her research shows that displays of pride like these...
- Participate
Psychology Student Participants. If you are a UBC student...
- Projects
The Emergence of Status Hierarchies. Status differences are...
- People
Aug 27, 2012 · In particular, we propose that group hierarchies can range from being more dominance based – where status is aggressively grabbed by few group members – to being more prestige based – where status is freely granted by many group members.1 Thus, in line with the conflict view, group hierarchies may reflect the outcome of power struggles
Dominant and Prestigious targets each received greater visual attention than targets low on either dimension. Together, these findings demonstrate that Dominance and Prestige are distinct yet both viable strategies for ascending the social hierarchy, consistent with evolutionary theory.
Dec 27, 2019 · 1) Dominance and prestige strategies are independent from each other 1 2. 2) Both dominance and prestige strategies lead to acquiring high social rank. and social influence 1 2. 3) Dominance and ...
- Dual Model of Social Hierarchy
- Dark Personality Traits and Status Competition
- Dark Tetrad, Status-Striving, and Aggression
- Current Study
According to Henrich and Gil-White’s (2001) dual model of social hierarchy, humans express two general strategies that function to accrue status: dominance and prestige. Dominance involves the use of intimidation, manipulation, and coercion to gain status, which has a long evolutionary history and can been observed in several species of primates (d...
From an evolutionary perspective, socially aversive personality traits are posited to constitute an organized system of co-adapted traits that facilitate competition for mates and social resources that contribute to mating success, including status (Jonason & Webster, 2012; Jonason et al., 2014, 2015; Semenyna & Honey, 2015). Guided by the status e...
Previous researchers have emphasized how direct aggression (e.g., physical and verbal aggression) is core to dominance status-striving, but appears to be unrelated or negatively associated with prestige status-seeking (Cabral & de Almeida, 2019; Cheng et al., 2013; Cheng et al., 2010; Henrich & Gil-White, 2001; Johnson et al., 2007; Monge-López & Á...
In the current study, we examined the cross-sectional links between the Dark Tetrad dimensions, dominance and prestige status-striving, and indirect aggression among North American adults. Specifically, we assessed whether the Dark Tetrad characteristics differentially predicted dominance and prestige status-striving orientations. In line with prev...
167 The Dominance-Prestige Account 168 More recently, Henrich and Gil-White (2001) developed an alternative evolutionary 169 model that takes into account both our species’ heritage as primates who tend to use coercive 170 dominance, and as cultural beings who rely immensely on cultural learning. By considering the
People also ask
What is prestige & dominance?
What is the Dominance-Prestige Scale?
Does overconfidence predict high dominance but not prestige?
Do prestige and dominance predict social influence within groups?
Does prestige affect dominance status-striving?
Is there domain-specificity of prestige and dominance hierarchies?
May 1, 2019 · Indeed, a recent study found that although prestige and dominance are both related to social status in short-term interactions, prestige appears to be more important over long-term interactions . Future studies might also further explore the domain-specificity of prestige hierarchies, for example, by varying and examining the match between a group's specific activity (e.g. chess, kayaking) and ...