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Not 100%. The GD32 has a minimal voltage of 2.6, while the STM32 has a minimum voltage of 2.0 Volt. So there are cases where the GD32F103 won’t work when the STM32F103 does. Another difference between de GD32F103 and the STM32F103 is the maximum speed. The maximum speed of teh GD32F103 is 108 MHz.
Jan 19, 2018 · It’s remotely possible all the peripherals on the real STM32F103 are licensed from ARM and hence could be (in theory) also licensed by the GD design. But my guess is that at least several of the STM peripherals were designed in-house by STMicro and hence should not be available to the GD design.
Jan 18, 2018 · Major differences are the execution speed and flash size. The chip is capable of running a much higher clockfrequency (108MHz) and have less waitstates for flashrom then the ST counterpart. The size of the flash memory goes up to 3076KB, compared to the 1024KB ST offers.
Jun 22, 2018 · Sjaak writes, “This is part 4 in the series where we compare the STM32F103 with its Chinese counterpart the GD32F103. Both are ARM Cortex M3 microcontrollers which are mostly pin, peripheral and register compatible. Now we compare the SPI master peripheral of both chips.” More details at Check out the video after the break.
Jun 5, 2018 · This is part 4 in the series where we compare the STM32F103 with its Chinese counterpart the GD32F103. Both are ARM Cortex M3 microcontrollers which are mostly pin, peripheral and register compatible.
The analog performance is slightly worse and there are some minor quirks but it is not very likely to matter for you. The biggest diffetence is that they have diffetent IDs so ST-link-s do not work with them.
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Sep 22, 2020 · Since roger has removed the GD board from the stm32duino board options, I have been using STM32F103 with CB varient. But even the simplest LED blinking won't work! it uploads using STLink only. Serial upload won't detect the controller. (It does work through UART and STLink through cube prog).