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Jul 25, 2024 · In this final message of the Awesome series, Pastor Rick Warren talks about the most important relationship in your life — your friendship with God. You’ll learn five ways to build a deep...
- 27 min
- 28.6K
- Pastor Rick
Explore the dynamics of Christian friendships in this thought-provoking Vineyard podcast episode. Dive into the discomfort of genuine connections, the struggle with vulnerability, and the...
- 21 min
- 608
- CITAM Church Online
In this final message of the Awesome series, Pastor Rick Warren talks about the most important relationship in your life — your friendship with God. You’ll learn five ways to build a deep...
May 25, 2017 · When we have the right friends, those who love God and love His Word, we find for ourselves a treasure that is very precious. When we have the wrong friends, however, we find ourselves attached to a problem that will soon eat away at us.
- JB Cachila
Jan 22, 2020 · It is important as Christians to honor God through these relationships. Here are ten points to consider in your friendships. I encourage you to examine these points in your life to ensure that you are being a godly friend and that your friends have these essential qualities. A good friend… 1.IS ENCOURAGING
May 21, 2020 · At the Last Supper, Jesus shows us the secret of being a good friend: As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me (Jn 15:4). Jesus wants to make use of our heart to love others. Without Him we cannot be friends right to the end.
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Jul 22, 2024 · So, a friendship with a non-Christian is of lesser value, beyond us seeking to be Christ to them — which itself is important. However, true Christian friends, our best friends, those whose lives are all about Christ and living for his glory, are a means of us seeing Christ and receiving his grace.