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Aug 27, 2021 · Ouriginal replaces Turnitin! The recent Plagiarism Detection Tool (also know as a Similarity Detection Tool) RFP has concluded and Ouriginal was selected to replace Turnitin as UofT's official tool. This blog links to the official memo and provides some guidance on what to do now and how to get the support you need to transition to the new tool.
- Act
It is extremely important that you do NOT use the Turnitin...
- TurnItIn
The University of Toronto is transitioning its plagiarism...
- Weblogin Idpz
Steps you should take to protect your account: Before you...
- Act
in your assignments, you must use Ouriginal. Although you will still see Turnitin as an option for a short while during the Fall 2021 semester, this is for legacy purposes only and is not to be used. Ouriginal works very similarly to Turnitin, and instructor workflow to set up Quercus assignments using Ouriginal has barely changed.
Ouriginal is now part of the Turnitin family! After June 30, 2026, Ouriginal will no longer be supported. Please check your email for a message from or contact your institution’s administrator to ensure there is no disruption of service in your academic integrity solution.
Once we enter the migration phase, you will gain access to your new Turnitin solution. Within the migration window, you will set up a Turnitin account, test its functionality, and complete your transition from Ouriginal. To support you throughout the migration, we will offer onboarding and training resources. Post-migration
Ouriginal is now part of the Turnitin family Now, as one global Turnitin team, we are better equipped to anticipate the needs of our customers, adapt to change faster and help foster an environment of academic integrity for educators and students around the globe.
Sep 1, 2020 · Ouriginal is now part of the Turnitin family! After June 30, 2026, Ouriginal will no longer be supported. Please check your email for a message from or contact your institution’s administrator to ensure there is no disruption of service in your academic integrity solution.
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Does ouriginal replace Turnitin?
Can I use the Turnitin option if I still see it?
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Aug 27, 2021 · It is extremely important that you do NOT use the Turnitin option, even if you still see it. You MUST select the Ouriginal option. Selecting the Turnitin option will result in your assignment breaking later in the semester (you will not have access to the similarity reports). This includes any assignments imported from a previous running of the ...