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Jul 19, 2021 · I already know how to send data through servers using teleportservice with the GetLocalPlayerData function but this data is really important. What exactly are you asking? Can you try rephrasing? Sending teleport data is very simple. In this article, it gives this piece of code. placeId = game.PlaceId, jobId = game.JobId.
Once a player has teleported, teleport data can be retrieved using the Player:GetJoinData() and TeleportService:GetLocalPlayerTeleportData() functions. For more information on how to teleport players between servers, see Teleporting Between Places .
This is a setter function for data to be passed to the destination place. On the destination place, this data can be retrieved using Player:GetJoinData () or TeleportService:GetLocalPlayerTeleportData ().
Oct 22, 2021 · I’m trying to give people a gear if their teleport data said they do have it, but for some reason the teleport data won’t get sent. Script where I send all players: player.IsBeingTeleported.Value = true lo…
You can customize teleportations, such as teleporting users to a specific server and sending user data along with teleports, by setting the TeleportOptions instance and passing it to the TeleportService:TeleportAsync() method.
This function returns the teleport data the Players.LocalPlayer arrived with. It can only be called from the client. Exploiters can spoof teleport data. Send secure data such as player currency through a server-side service such as DataStoreService to prevent tampering. Returns
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This function returns an access code that can be used to teleport players to a reserved server, along with the server's DataModel.PrivateServerId. It can only be called on the server. You can access reserved servers using: TeleportService:TeleportAsync () with the TeleportOptions.ReservedServerAccessCode parameter.