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  1. Dec 3, 2018 · Coalición por el Evangelio is pleased to announce the launch of our new free Spanish learning platform: Cursos Coalición. Share this with your Spanish-speaking friends, and pray God uses it to build up his church.

  2. Jan 11, 2024 · “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” Philemon 6 Saints, here are a few Gospel statements in Spanish to learn in order to open up a whole new world, a waiting mission field!

    • 200+ Spanish Christian Words
    • Most Common Christian Words
    • How to Learn Spanish While Reading The Bible
    • Bible Verses in Spanish For Religious Conversation
    • Practice Makes Perfect!
    • Ready to Learn More Spanish Vocabulary? Check These Out!

    200+ words will improve your vocabulary by leaps and bounds! To keep it interesting, this article is divided into several segments, allowing you easy access where you can quickly find whatever word or expression you are searching for.

    Common Christian words are relevant for preaching, sermons, lessons, or in casual conversation with other Christians. Let’s take a look! This table has words related to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit so you can access them easily and quickly! Here are some Christian words divided in alphabetical order for easy access and understanding:

    To learn something new, like Spanish, you need constant exposure to the language to improve your familiarity with the words and their pronunciation. And, of course, you benefit from studying new words on a regular basis to help expand your vocabulary. Learning Christian words is an amazing way to build your vocabulary, but another great way of lear...

    Here are some popular bible verses perfect to use in a religious conversation, share with your friends and family or to use them to share the Gospel with Spanish speakers! “Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.” Juan 3:16 NVI “For God so loved the world ...

    When you practice your Spanish every day, you improve your skills in comprehension and expression—just like when you study your Bible! The most effective way to learn and practice Spanish is with personalized classes! Here at Homeschool Spanish Academy, we offer you tailored Spanish packages, 1-on-1 classes with a certified, native Spanish-speaking...

  3. Oct 27, 2022 · Sharing The Gospel in Spanish 1. Start with “Compartir el Evangelio” 2. Emphasize the importance of spreading the good news 3. Use relevant Bible verses in Spanish to support your message 4. Encourage others to share their faith with confidence and love 5. Explore various Spanish resources to deepen your understanding of the gospel messages

  4. Jul 29, 2020 · Much like our Today daily devotional, ReFrame Ministries printed messages are also for Spanish speakers. The Cada Dia devotionals spread the Good News of the gospel to Latin America, North America, and Spain. Read Cada Dia or sign up for Cada Dia emails/ Lee Cada Dia o recibe em su correo electrónico

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  6. Aug 13, 2020 · This new Spanish curriculum has been carefully translated and contextualized to the needs of Spanish-speaking churches across the US and Latin America with: 3-year, semester-based curriculum. Most Hispanic churches worldwide prefer to purchase their materials in yearly or semestral intervals.