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  1. Helsingin Sanomat. This newspaper was founded in 1889 under the title Päivälehti. It was banned in 1904 after a leading article indirectly welcomed the murder of the Russian governor general. Just four days after it was closed down the paper went into circulation again under its new name, published by the Sanoma group which currently ...

  2. Helsingin Sanomat. Die Zeitung wurde 1889 unter dem Namen Päivälehti gegründet. 1904 wurde sie verboten, nachdem ein Leitartikel indirekt die Ermordung des russischen Generalgouverneurs begrüßt hatte. Nur vier Tage nach der letzten Ausgabe erschien die Zeitung mit ihrem neuen Namen, herausgegeben vom Sanoma Konzern, der heute den ...

  3. Oct 7, 2024 · There can be no peace without the hostages being released, Helsingin Sanomat emphasises: “According to the Israeli authorities, more than 60 living hostages as well as the bodies of around 35 more are still in the Gaza Strip. Hostages have also been killed in attacks and military operations by the Israeli army.

  4. Jul 25, 2024 · A ban on mobile phones would also be in the pupils' best interest, Ilta-Sanomat believes: “Banning mobile phones would also help to curb bullying on social media, which is directed at both pupils and teachers. At the very least, videos taken at school or during breaks would not be shared on social media to make fun of others.

  5. For Helsingin Sanomat a Russian counterattack is only a matter of time: “The surprise effect of the Ukrainian attack on Russian territory in Kursk a few weeks ago is beginning to fade. However Ukraine is continuing its advance on Russian territory, as well as other surprises.

  6. Nov 21, 2023 · Helsingin Sanomat examines the consequences for Russia: “For Russia, the closure of the borders is fine if it wants to become a closed police state like the Soviet Union. Drafted men can no longer slip away to the West and other citizens won't be exposed to harmful influences. But this theory is not watertight.

  7. Jan 27, 2023 · Finland should never have engaged in panda diplomacy, Helsingin Sanomat criticises: “For China, pandas are part of the soft power concept. They are an important instrument of diplomacy and trade policy, but ultimately also a matter of prestige. ... It was a mistake from the start to bring pandas to Finland.

  8. Ilta-Sanomat. IIta Sanomat is Finland's leading tabloid and was founded in 1932 as a result of the Mäntsälä rebellion in which the right-wing extremist Lapua Movement tried to overthrow the government. Until 1949 it followed the lead of Helsingin Sanomat, which comes from the same publisher, in its reporting.

  9. Sep 16, 2019 · It's hard to imagine that the Houthi rebels would have been able to carry out the drone strike without help from others, says Helsingin Sanomat: “There is no clear evidence of Iran's guilt, and Saudi Arabia admitted as much on Wednesday. But everything points to Iran having been involved in some way.

  10. Aug 29, 2022 · Helsingin Sanomat finds the news that Norway wants to export less electricity due to low water levels in its reservoirs worrying: “Norwegian electricity flows not only to the Nordic countries but also to Central Europe and the UK. ... Export restrictions and protectionism are simple answers to complex problems. ...

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