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  1. This document presents highlights from the Transforming Education Towards SDG 4: Report of a global survey on country actions to transform education. It showcases transformative actions that countries have undertaken to accelerate progress towards SDG 4.

    • Acronyms
    • 2. What tools exist to measure progress towards SDG 4?
    • The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning ( GAML ) is designed to improve learning
    • Data sources
    • Main regional platforms
    • Arab States
    • Europe and North America
    • Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Interim reporting
    • 4. How are SDG 4 indicators developed and calculated?
    • Policy and provision
    • Indicator 4.2.2
    • Indicator 4.4.1
    • Inter-Agency Group on Education Inequality Indicators (IAG-EII)
    • Indicator 4.6.1
    • Indicator 4.7.1
    • Indicator 4.a.1
    • Indicator 4.c.1


    There are several regional and international organizations which generate information on how to measure countries’ progress towards SDG 4 targets. The coordination of the SDG data and indicator development at the international level is the responsibility of SDG custodian agencies. Custodian agencies are UN bodies (and in some cases other internatio...

    outcomes by supporting national strategies for learning assessments and developing internationally-comparable indicators and methodological tools to measure progress towards key targets of SDG 4. Through a highly-collaborative approach, GAML brings together a broad range of stakeholders, including experts and decisionmakers involved in national an...

    Countries are the starting point for all national and international monitoring. The players involved in data collection and dissemination include the national statistical ofice, line ministries and other relevant national institutions. Countries determine the level of detail of data and metadata they share with custodian agencies and how much of it...

    Many regions have international structures to monitor education development in countries. They serve as an important source of internationally-comparable data with high regional relevance. Some regional initiatives include:

    Unlike other UNESCO regions, the Arab States do not use a regionally-harmonised approach for measuring student achievement. Furthermore, many countries rely solely on end-of-cycle examinations. However, more countries are participating in international large-scale assessments, such as TIMSS and PIRLS managed by IEA, in addition to PISA managed by t...

    Eurostat is the statistical ofice of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its mission is to provide high-quality statistics on European countries. Eurostat’s education and training statistics provide information on the participation of individuals in education and training activities, education financing, teaching staff and educational outcom...

    The Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE), which is seated in the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, is a network of national units measuring educational assessment in the region. LLECE has conducted comparative and explanatory regional educational assessment studies since...

    Monitoring the 43 global and thematic indicators on education follows a similar reporting strategy as for all SDG targets. However, for some indicators data are currently not available. While the UIS works on capacity building and indicator development, alternative data sources are used in the interim to maximise the availability of data. The objec...

    At the global and international levels, it is essential to make sure that “apple statistics” are not mixed with “orange statistics”. In this sense, the UIS develops and implements standards for international comparability of data. At the same time, the Institute works to improve the quality of the data produced to monitor education around the world...

    The UIS compiles education-related data and metadata from various sources at the national, regional and international levels. Although most data are collected through annual UIS surveys sent to Member States, the Institute also produces indicators based on household surveys and international learning assessments.

    Most activities can only have an effective impact on education if the information produced is used to improve education policies and practices. The UIS is committed to disseminating its data widely to enable evidence-based policymaking. At the global level, the UIS works together with other UN agencies to provide an integral and articulated view of...

    To define the global and thematic indicators, each target was analysed with two purposes in mind: to identify the key concepts that need to be measured to monitor progress towards its achievement and whether existing policies would be suficient to ensure that the target could be met or whether further action, including remedial action, might be nee...

    To fully monitor some SDG 4 targets, it is necessary to cover not only outcomes and outputs but also the inputs of educational systems. On the whole, inputs are the aspects of the education system that the government has relatively direct control over (such as total spending, legislation, structure), while outputs are the direct results of those in...

    Percentage of children and young people in Grade 2 or 3 of primary education, at the end of primary education and at the end of lower secondary education achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics. The minimum proficiency level will be measured relative to new common reading and mathematics scales currently...

    The indicator is calculated as the percentage of children and young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in a given subject.

    There are three key challenges in the production of learning outcomes indicators on a cross-nationally-comparable basis. First, national, regional and global data on basic competencies in literacy and numeracy are frequently collected but cannot be used in an integrated manner to create a global picture of learning. For instance, the proficiency of...

    Key concepts to measure include quality of care and education, access to programmes and child development and learning at the start of school. Measuring early childhood development is complicated but possible with suficient technical consultation and operational support to countries to generate reliable data.

    A high value indicates a large number of young children are well prepared for starting primary school in the areas of health, learning and psychosocial well-being.

    Measures to capture children’s early childhood experiences have been used in multiple countries in representative samples, such as: MICS ECDI, UNICEF West and Central African Regional Ofice (WCARO) Prototype in West Africa, Programa Regional de Indicadores de Desarrollo Infantil (PRIDI) in Latin America, the East Asia and Pacific Child Development ...

    Further methodological development work will be needed to ensure that the proposed measure reflects a commonly-agreed upon definition of ‘on track’ that is aligned with national standards, is relevant to children in all parts of the world and accurately reflects ‘developmentally on track’ in all countries. This requires establishing normative devel...

    Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the oficial primary entry age), by sex

    This indicator measures children’s exposure to organized learning activities in the year prior to the start of primary school. An organized learning programme is one which consists of a coherent set or sequence of educational activities designed with the intention of achieving pre-determined learning outcomes or the accomplishment of a specific set...

    The participation rate in organized learning (one year before the oficial primary entry age) is defined as the percentage of children of the given age who participate in one or more organized learning programmes, including programmes which offer a combination of education and care. Participation in early childhood and in primary education are both ...

    The number of children in the relevant age group who participate in an organized learning programme is expressed as a percentage of the total population of the same age.

    A high value of the indicator shows a high degree of participation in organized learning immediately before the oficial entrance age to primary education.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

    Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

  2. learning opportunities at the pre-primary level of education. To achieve SDG 4, national and local governments must accelerate action plans to close inequities and ensure all children are in...

  3. This edition of the SDG 4 Data Digest from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) aims to help countries develop and report the indica-tors needed to deliver on the promise of Sustainable Development Goal 4 – a quality education for all by 2030. It stresses the urgency: every child in the generation that should

  4. Nov 5, 2022 · Education reforms guaranteeing access to quality primary education rank highly among the Millennium Development Goals. Goal 4 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda emphasizes education’s...

  5. Target 4.1 Out-of-school rate: 57% of countries have set SDG 4 benchmarks for the lower secondary out- of-school rate. From a baseline of 13% in 2015, these countries have committed collectively to be at 7% by 2025 and 5% by 2030. However, they had only reached 12% by 2022, which means they would be 4 percentage points off track by 2025.

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  7. Within the comprehensive 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, education is essentially articulated as a stand-alone goal (SDG 4) with its 7 outcome targets and 3 means of implementation. Quality Education. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

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