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  1. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the conclusion. The thesis must make a historically defensible claim that establishes a line of reasoning about how debates over slavery in the period from 1830 to 1860 led the United States into the Civil War.

    • Introductory notes:
    • Examples of responses to (a) that would earn credit:
    • Examples of responses to (b) that would earn credit:
    • Introductory notes:
    • Examples of responses to (a) that would earn credit:
    • Examples of responses to (b) that would earn credit:
    • Introductory notes:
    • Examples of responses to (a) that would earn credit:
    • Examples of responses to (b) that would earn credit:
    • Examples of responses to (c) that would earn credit:
    • Introductory notes:
    • Examples of responses to (a) that would earn credit:
    • Examples of responses to (b) that would earn credit:
    • Examples of responses to (c) that would earn credit:
    • Introductory notes:
    • A. Thesis/Claim (0–1 point)
    • Examples of context might include:
    • Examples of describing the content of a document:
    • Examples of supporting an argument using the content of a document:
    • Evidence Beyond the Documents
    • Examples of acceptable use of an additional piece of specific historical evidence:
    • Document Sourcing
    • Example of an acceptable explanation of the relevance of the document’s point of view:
    • Example of an unacceptable explanation of the relevance of the document’s point of view:
    • Example of an unacceptable explanation of the relevance of the historical situation of a document:
    • Example of an acceptable explanation of the relevance of the audience:
    • Example of an unacceptable explanation of the relevance of the audience:
    • Demonstrating Complex Understanding
    • Demonstrating a complex understanding might include:
    • Example of unacceptably demonstrating complex understanding:
    • OR
    • Examples of using historical reasoning to frame or structure an argument might include:
    • Introductory notes:
    • A. Thesis/Claim (0–1 point)
    • Examples of acceptable theses:
    • Examples of unacceptable theses:
    • Examples of acceptable contextualization:
    • Evidence
    • Example of acceptably providing evidence relevant to the topic of the prompt:
    • Example of acceptable use of evidence to support an argument:
    • Historical Reasoning
    • Examples of using historical reasoning might include:
    • Examples of acceptable use of historical reasoning:
    • Examples of unacceptable use of historical reasoning:
    • Examples of acceptable demonstration of a complex complex understanding:
    • Introductory notes:
    • A. Thesis/Claim (0–1 point)
    • Example of acceptable contextualization:
    • Evidence
    • Historical Reasoning
    • Example of acceptable use of historical reasoning:
    • Example of unacceptable use of historical reasoning:
    • Examples of acceptable demonstration of a complex understanding:
    • OR
    • Examples of evidence used might include: Groups:
    • People:
    • Examples of using historical reasoning to frame or structure an argument might include:
    • Ways of demonstrating a complex understanding of this prompt might include the following:
    • Introductory notes:
    • A. Thesis/Claim (0–1 point)
    • Example of unacceptable contextualization:
    • Evidence
    • Groups:
    • People:
    • Example of acceptably providing evidence relevant to the topic of the prompt:
    • Example of unacceptably providing evidence relevant to the topic of the prompt
    • Historical Reasoning
    • Examples of using historical reasoning might include:
    • Example of acceptable use of historical reasoning:
    • Example of unacceptable use of historical reasoning:
    • Demonstrating a complex understanding might include:

    Each point is earned independently. Accuracy: These rubrics require that students demonstrate historically defensible content knowledge. Given the timed nature of the exam, responses may contain errors that do not detract from their overall quality, as long as the historical content used to advance the argument is accurate. Clarity: Exam responses ...

    Crane argues that: The American Revolution was not radical because it didn’t change women’s status in society. Gender roles for women remained unchanged after the American Revolution. The ideals of the American Revolution were not applied to women. Zagarri argues that: Women’s social status and social influence improved after the American Revol...

    Women could not vote (except in New Jersey, which also eventually rescinded this right). Women were excluded from the rights stated for all men in the Declaration of Independence. Women could not participate in any of the political decision-making after the American Revolution. Abigail Adams asked her husband John Adams to make sure that men “remem...

    Each point is earned independently. Accuracy: These rubrics require that students demonstrate historically defensible content knowledge. Given the timed nature of the exam, responses may contain errors that do not detract from their overall quality, as long as the historical content used to advance the argument is accurate. Clarity: Exam responses ...

    Artist supports Manifest Destiny and the spread of United States settlers westward; image suggests that American civilization is spreading. Image in upper left suggests explorers discovering land that appears to be unoccupied. The image of the wagon train in the center suggests progress and movement of people westward. The image may connote that ...

    The Louisiana Purchase added to the territory of the United States that was accessible for national expansion. The War of 1812 and the defeat of Tecumseh’s Indian Confederacy opened the Old Northwest to United States settlement. Promotion of the idea of opportunities in the West through the press and by journalists (e.g., John L. O’Sullivan, Horace...

    Each point is earned independently. Accuracy: These rubrics require that students demonstrate historically defensible content knowledge. Given the timed nature of the exam, responses may contain errors that do not detract from their overall quality, as long as the historical content used to advance the argument is accurate. Clarity: Exam responses ...

    Cash crops from the Chesapeake (such as tobacco) were typically shipped to England, while staple crops from the middle colonies (such as wheat) were typically shipped to the Caribbean. The fur trade more extensive in the middle colonies and less extensive in the Chesapeake. There was more diversity of trade in middle colonies (e.g., furs, various a...

    Both the middle colonies and the Chesapeake engaged in export trade/the triangular trade. Both the middle colonies and the Chesapeake were part of a mercantilist system centered on Great Britain. Both the middle colonies and the Chesapeake exported raw goods to/imported finished goods from Great Britain. Both the economies of the middle colonies an...

    Waterways in the Chesapeake were suitable for transport of cash crops produced closer to the coast, while waterways in the middle colonies (e.g., the Hudson, Susquehanna, and Delaware Rivers), which included New Netherlands, were more readily navigable and went deeper into the interior of North American, facilitating regional commerce and the fur t...

    Each point is earned independently. Accuracy: These rubrics require that students demonstrate historically defensible content knowledge. Given the timed nature of the exam, responses may contain errors that do not detract from their overall quality, as long as the historical content used to advance the argument is accurate. Clarity: Exam responses ...

    Both expanded a social welfare net. Both expanded government programs. Both regulated society and economy, expanded the power and reach of the federal government, and increased government spending and the management of fiscal and monetary policy to ensure economic productivity and growth. Both addressed poverty and unemployment. Both had programs t...

    The New Deal stabilized capitalism and sought to stave off the deepening or return of the Great Depression, while the Great Society sought to extend the benefits of affluence to all Americans and to eradicate poverty. The New Deal focused on economic recovery and relief, while the Great Society sought to eradicate social problems like poverty, raci...

    The New Deal was a response to an economic depression, while the Great Society was a response to the persistent problem of poverty in a prosperous economy. The Great Society took place during and in response to the civil rights movement, while the New Deal reflected the racism of the era prior to the civil rights movement in American politics. The ...

    Except where otherwise noted, each point of these rubrics is earned independently, e.g., a student could earn a point for evidence without earning a point for thesis/claim. Accuracy: The components of these rubrics require that students demonstrate historically defensible content knowledge. Given the timed nature of the exam, essays may contain err...

    Responses earn 1 point by responding to the prompt with a historically defensible claim that establishes a line of reasoning about the topic. To earn this point, the thesis must make a claim that responds to the prompt rather than simply restating or rephrasing the prompt. The thesis must suggest at least one main line of argument development or es...

    The expansion of industrialization The growth of cities The development of large-scale immigration from southern and eastern Europe The consolidation of corporations into large trusts The government adherence to laissez-faire economics

    “Document 6 says that with the introduction of new technology the man power in the police department can now be used to keeping the city safer which taxpayers hope for.” (This example describes evidence from the documents relevant to the topic, so it contributes toward the first evidence point, but it does not use that evidence to support an argume...

    “In a letter to Wilson, the NAACP points out to segregationists that by having segregation, especially in the Federal government, promotes inequality (Doc. 5). Virtually no political change came about for black people during this time.” (This example uses Document 5 to support an argument that the Progressive era did not bring about political chang...

    In order to earn 1 point for evidence beyond the documents, the response must use at least one additional piece of specific historical evidence (beyond that found in the documents) relevant to an argument that addresses the topic. To earn this point, the evidence must be described and must be more than a phrase or reference. This additional piece...

    “Another example of successful use of government to enact change was the women’s rights movement, in which the work of suffragists to gain the 19th amendment was clearly more effective for enacting fully-recognized change than the smaller-scale and less ambitious idea of Republican Motherhood.” (This example uses a particular piece of evidence beyo...

    For at least three documents, the response explains how or why the document’s point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience is relevant to an argument that addresses the prompt. To earn this point, the response must explain how or why — rather than simply identifying — the document’s point of view, purpose, historical situation, or ...

    • “Couzens’ point of view [Doc. 6] comes from the fact that he had been the manager for Ford Motor Company which created the efficient assembly line, so he would try to implement the success of the Ford Motor Co. into the police departments.” (This example correctly identifies Couzens’s point of view as that of a former manager for Ford Motor Compa...

    • “Addams’ point of view comes as she is the founder of Hull House, illustrating that these were observations she obtained herself.” (This example does not contribute toward a point for document sourcing because it inaccurately discusses the relevance of Addams’s point of view.)

    • “Document 3 shows how the Progressive movement led to government regulation because at the time Chicago was a major city with lots of Progressive influence.” (This example does not contribute toward a point for document sourcing because it does not explain why the fact that “Chicago was a major city” is relevant in understanding the document.)

    • “Document 6 says that segregation continued in government and insulted progressive efforts on behalf of African Americans. It is significant that the NAACP is addressing President Wilson because Wilson claimed to be a Progressive but they are pointing out that he was harming efforts for improved civil rights for African Americans.” (This example ...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    Explaining a nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables by, for example, assessing how ideas of democracy in the Civil Rights movement differed in the North and in the South Explaining both short- and long-term causes by, for example, addressing the immediate causes of the Brown decision and analyzing how the outcome of the decision evolved...

    • 1MB
    • 59
  2. Sep 27, 2024 · Industrialization of the United States was going on for almost half a century. However, the most impressive growth happened in 1880-1900. The expansion of the steel, iron and oil industries drove the American economy. Comment on all the inventions, technological advancements that happened in the US at that time.

  3. argument development or establish the analytic categories of the argument. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the conclusion.

  4. Civil War Essay Contest Winners 2019 | High School Division Click on the title to read a winning essay. | High School Division Click on the title to read a winning essay. First Prize Caitlin Davidson, Carroll Senior High School, Southlake, TX“The American Colonization Society and Underlying Abolitionist Racism” Second Prize Baird Johnson ...

  5. Sep 17, 2021 · Global influence of the Constitution was at its peak at the turn of the 20th century as former European colonies began self-governance and formed federal and parliamentary models of government. Independence movements after World War II heavily referenced the U.S. Constitution. African self-rule in the 1950s and 1960s borrowed heavily from the ...

  6. 1 day ago · At the time of Columbus’s arrival there were probably roughly 1.5 million American Indians in what is now the continental United States, although estimates vary greatly. In order to assess the role and the impact of the American Indian upon the subsequent history of the United States in any meaningful way, one must understand the differentiating factors between Native American peoples, such ...

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