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  1. John the apostle makes it clear that this other “John” was not the Light... a. Not only here in the prologue - Jn 1:8 b. But also immediately following the prologue - cf. Jn 1:19-20 3. John the Baptist’s purpose in bearing witness of the Light... a. That all might believe - 1 Jn 1:7 b. The same reason John the apostle wrote his gospel ...

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  2. John’s experience of Jesus’ love as an exclusive relationship allowed him to reach deeper than any of the other Gospel writers. It permitted him to write a book that stands as a monument of grace and truth that is unparalleled in the Bible and in any other world literature. We do not know for sure when John met Jesus for the first time.

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  3. John 1. 1 That Word begotten of God before all worlds. 2 Which was ever with the Father. 14 Is made man, 6-7 For what end John was sent from God. 16 His preaching of Christ's office. 19 The record that he bare given out unto the Priests. 40 The calling of Andrew, 42 of Peter, 43 Philip, 45 and Nathanael.

  4. The Gospel of John was written to the whole world for the purpose of convincing people that Jesus is the Christ (which means Messiah...or „anointed one‟), and that by believing in Him, they might have eternal life in His name. This is precisely what John tells us in John 20:31. John 20:31 ...these are written that you may believe that Jesus ...

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  5. John also names Jesus “the true Light” (John 1:9, ICB). John used “light” because Jesus’ words shine into the hearts and minds of every person on the earth. Jesus is the same as a light that helps us understand the Bible. As C. S. Lewis wrote, “I believe in Christianity in the same way that

  6. 15 ¶ (8) John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I said, He that cometh (b) after me, is preferred before me, for he was (c) (*) before me. (8) John is a faithful witness of the excellency of Christ. (b) That is, He before whom I am sent to prepare him the way, so that these words are referred to the

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  8. In what way does “living water” suggest the grace of God? (John 4:15-20; Plain Talk p.48). Why did the woman bring up the matter of where to worship God? (John 4:15-20; Plain Talk p.48). How did the woman find out that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah? (John 4:21-26; Plain Talk p.49). How did the woman tell her neighbors about her meeting ...

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