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Mar 20, 2020 · In my case why the cywin directory (folder) cannot be deleted was due to "access privilege". To delete the folder, the user needs to "take ownership" of this folder. It cannot be done easily in Windows GUI. It is, however, fairly easy to achieve in a command prompt window using three command lines. I followed the steps posted in this link ...
Jul 24, 2010 · Setup has no automatic uninstall facility. The recommended method to remove all of Cygwin is as follows: If you have any Cygwin services running, remove by repeating the instructions in for all services that you installed.
I'm trying to remove an account from my computer that I no longer have access to. However, when I select the account under Email & app accounts, the only option is "Manage", and when I click on it, it redirects me to the organization login page, but I can't login because I'm not affiliated with the organization anymore.
Oct 9, 2012 · The quickest way to delete the entire tree if you run into this problem is to change the ownership of all files and folders to your account. To do this in Windows Explorer, right click on the root Cygwin folder, choose Properties, then the Security tab.
Apr 24, 2020 · Use takeown/r/d y/f Cygwin command to access the Cygwin folder. Next use the icacls Cygwin/t /grant Everyone:F command to allow all users to access the Cygwin folder. At this stage, you can delete the Cygwin folder regardless of the account you are using.
Mar 15, 2024 · Use the following command to gain ownership over the Cygwin folder in no time: takeown /r /d y /f cygwin. The next command is going to give everyone full access to the Cygwin folder so that you can delete it no matter which account you are using. icacls cygwin /t /grant Everyone:F
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If you don't have cygrunsrv, you don't need to stop or delete it. Just skip over the bits that talk about cygrunsrv and carry on with your uninstall. You are following the Cygwin FAQ uninstall instructions, right?