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In this describing personality worksheet, students learn and practice a variety of personality adjectives and complete descriptions of people using the adjectives.
Describing people and personality : worksheets, printable exercises pdf. 37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance: English Vocabulary. Video: describing people.
Here is a free describing personality worksheet to help students learn and practice a variety of personality adjectives. First, students match personality adjectives from a box with definitions. Students then match each personality adjective with its opposite.
Two exercises to practise personality adjectives. 1) Students have to put the adjectives in the correct column, 2) they have to match the adjectives to the corre... 80941 uses.
In this lesson, you will learn how to describe different types of people using simple personality adjectives. Check the following pictures and look at the definitions and sentence examples below. Positive Adjectives. friendly is happy to talk to you and makes you feel welcome.
TOP010. Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box. ACTIVE – BOSSY – CONSIDERATE – DOUBTFUL – FAIR – GREEDY – LOYAL - MATURE – NERVOUS – OBEDIENT – RESPONSIBLE - SECRETIVE. I hate our headmaster. She's a very ______________ person who orders everyone around. The judge was ________________ to both sides, so everyone was happy.
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TOP011. Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box. ADVENTUROUS - AMBITIOUS - BUSY - EFFICIENT - FUSSY – GRATEFUL – HUMOUROUS - IMAGINATIVE – INDEPENDENT – LOVING - RESTLESS - UNWILLING. That boy is the most ____________________ student in our school. He can never sit still and always plays with something.