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Describing people and personality : worksheets, printable exercises pdf. 37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance: English Vocabulary. Video: describing people.
In this describing personality worksheet, students learn and practice a variety of personality adjectives and complete descriptions of people using the adjectives.
This is a worksheet to practise and review how to describe people including physical description, adjectives describing character and personality, free time activities, hob... 31598 uses.
Here is a free describing personality worksheet to help students learn and practice a variety of personality adjectives. First, students match personality adjectives from a box with definitions. Students then match each personality adjective with its opposite.
personality adjectives. personality adjectives to match with pictures. Vocabulary list + correction. easy and fun. Useful to describe people in addition to physical traits. Suits wella lot... 16556 uses.
This section on character and personality includes 334 worksheets on these topics as well as emotions, zodiac signs, and related songs and videos. There is a wide variety of worksheets available so take your time going through them to find the one that best suits your learners.
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A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Personality adjectives, shared by English language teachers.