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  1. from PyPDF2 import PdfWriter merger = PdfWriter input1 = open ("document1.pdf", "rb") input2 = open ("document2.pdf", "rb") input3 = open ("document3.pdf", "rb") # add the first 3 pages of input1 document to output merger. append (fileobj = input1, pages = (0, 3)) # insert the first page of input2 into the output beginning after the second page ...

    • Testing

      Testing . PyPDF2 uses pytest for testing.. De-selecting...

  2. Use the PdfFileMerger() class instead of the PdfFileWriter() class. I've tried to provide the following to as closely resemble your content as I could: [...] merger.append(PdfFileReader(file(filename, 'rb'))) The Long Answer.

  3. Jan 27, 2012 · from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger merger = PdfFileMerger for pdf in ["file1.pdf", "file2.pdf", "file3.pdf"]: merger. append (pdf) merger. write ("merged-pdf.pdf") merger. close () For more details, see an excellent answer on StackOverflow by Paul Rooney.

  4. Sep 7, 2024 · Learn how to merge two or more PDF files with Python using PyPDF2. This quick guide covers installation, code breakdown, and running the script.

  5. Feb 20, 2020 · This tutorial will allow you to read PDF documents and merge multiple PDF files into one PDF file. It will also show how to read and write word documents from Python. PDF is a Portable Document Format where it contains texts, images, charts, etc. which is different from plain text files.

  6. Jan 27, 2012 · Merges the pages from the given file into the output file at the specified page number. Parameters. position (int) – The page number to insert this file. File will be inserted after the given number. fileobj – A File Object or an object that supports the standard read and seek methods similar to a File Object. Could also be a string ...

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  8. Jul 16, 2023 · The following code demonstrates how to split and merge PDF files: import PyPDF2 # Splitting a PDF file with open('example.pdf', 'rb') as file: pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file)...

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