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  1. 3D Printing: Print Your Own Planetary Nebula: This printable file was created by the Chandra team from the 3D model by Sal Orlando (INAF). The outer layers of the Sun-like star have been puffed off, and the stellar material is shown looking like a fried egg in the 3D print.

  2. All you need to do is download the plans that NASA has made publically available, feed them into your 3D-printing software, and play god by watching your very own Homunculus Nebula form before...

    • Michael Franco
    • Step 1 – Prepare A Starless Image
    • Step 2 – Create A Star-Only Image
    • Step 3 – Prepare A Luminance Map
    • Step 4 – Add Your Stars to The Right.Tif Image and Place in 3D Space!
    • Step 5 – Make Your Nebula 3D with The Displace Filter
    • Step 6 – Enjoy Your Insanely Amazing 3D Stereo Pair!

    The left hand image in our 3D pair is the finished photo. Rotate this to portrait orientation if not already (it’s easier on the eyes to get the 3D that way) save this as LEFT.TIF. For the right hand side, we need to start with a starless version of the finished image. There are many ways to do this, and it can be done with PhotoShop filters like D...

    In PhotoShop:

    1. Duplicate the “final” LEFT.TIF and call it STARS.TIF. Make sure it’s flattened. 2. Open STARS.TIF in PhotoShop and select Image menu -> Apply Image -> Source: RIGHT.TIF -> Blending: Subtract. This will give you a nice “stars only” image. 3. Save this file.

    In PhotoShop:

    1. After you’ve saved your starless image as RIGHT.TIF, open in PhotoShop and choose File -> Save As… -> LUM.PSD, effectively duplicating it into a new file. 2. Image menu -> Mode -> Greyscaleand confirm you want to discard the colour data. 3. Image menu -> Mode -> 8bits/Channel 4. Add the Gaussian Blurfilter at 1-2 pixels. This will smooth out the 3D effect as this image will determine the depth/height of the 3D effect, based on value of each pixel from black to white. 5. Save this image as...

    At this stage I like to open the LEFT.TIF and RIGHT.TIFfiles and put them side by side in PhotoShop. It makes it easy to compare the differences, and if you can do the 3D crossover vision unaided, you can look at your image in 3D as you manipulate it.

    In PhotoShop:

    1. In RIGHT.TIFselect the starless nebula layer 2. Click Filter -> Distort -> Displace … then change Vertical to 0 and Horizontalfrom 10-30. You may need to try different values here if the effect is too extreme or subtle depending on your image size. 3. It will prompt you for a file, select the LUM.PSDfile you created and saved earlier. 4. Did you see your nebula appear to rotate as if by magic? If you missed it hit CONTROL-Z (undo) a few times to see it change. If it’s too subtle or too str...

    There are several different ways to view the 3D image, try them all: 1. View with the traditional cross-eye method. 2. Convert into an animated GIF that bounces between each pair giving the illusion of 3D rotation. 3. Load the image onto your phone and view with a pair of “Google Cardboard” goggles. Anyone can view these and they are super cheap! 4...

  3. We offer two kinds of 3D printable objects in this section. The first is a set of specially-developed fully 3D models, and the second is a set of tactile plates that are developed as relief maps of images to help make the 2D data more experiential.

  4. Universe Image Creator is a true 3D program for creating REALISTIC images of space in just minutes. It uses the Babylon.js 3D Engine, fractal mathematics and the power of your graphics card to create Nebula, Gas Clouds, Stars, Galaxies, Planets, and more.

    • how do i see a nebula in 3d printing image with two sides pictures1
    • how do i see a nebula in 3d printing image with two sides pictures2
    • how do i see a nebula in 3d printing image with two sides pictures3
    • how do i see a nebula in 3d printing image with two sides pictures4
  5. Nov 11, 2024 · In order to get a complete picture of the nebula the team scanned near-infrared, visible and ultraviolet wavelengths along ninety two different paths. Previous attempts to map the nebula...

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  7. Jul 13, 2014 · Astronomers for the agency have teamed up to create the first high-resolution 3D model of a massive nebula -- and their plans are available for download. Want to hold your very own nebula?

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