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Check to see if you received an email with a tracking number for your package. With this number, you can check the status of your delivery on the carrier's website. You can also contact our Customer Service Department by email at
All you need to do is register and verify your student status in order to get access to thousands of free student discounts. You can sign up here.
We have three verification methods available to prove you are a student: If your place of study does not support the learning portal option, and you are unable to verify using email, the alternative is to upload proof manually.
MyCreds Verify™ offers a one-stop online environment for businesses, government agencies, and other third parties to either quickly verify official applicant documents and credentials, or to confirm graduation status.
Select the exam you want to take. Select the orange exam button in the 'schedule exam' section on the left. This will take you to your Microsoft profile dashboard. Verify that your information is up-to-date, and that 'student' is selected in the job title field.
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Student Portal. TVDSB Username- ( example:123456789) Do NOT use your gotvdsb email. only the characters before the '@' symbol. * required. Password * required. Need help completing this form? Call your school office for assistance.