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A diphthong is a sound formed by two vowels in a single syllable. In Spanish, diphthongs can be formed by combining a strong vowel (a, e, or o) and a weak vowel (i or u), or by combining two weak vowels. When a diphthong is made up of a strong vowel and a weak vowel, the strong vowel is stressed a bit more than the weak vowel.
Nov 22, 2018 · How to produce a vowel sound accurately. To say any vowel you need to control: Your lips. Your jaw. Your tongue. (To better understand this post on how to pronounce the Spanish vowels, I recommend you take a look at “Mouth positioning for pronouncing the Spanish vowels accurately”).
- Vowels are the most important part of the word. Spanish natives tend to vocalize, even when we speak in another language. (Have you noticed how strong our vowels sound when we speak English?)
- Consistency. English has between 14 and 21 vowel sounds, while Spanish has only 5 vowel sounds. And every Spanish vowel is always pronounced the same way.
- No single vowel sounds exactly the same in English and Spanish. You may think that some of the Spanish vowels sound the same as in English but actually, they don’t.
- Number of vowels sounds: 5 in Spanish vs 14 in English. English has at least 12 vowel sounds, and even more, depending on the source you search, and the dialect.
Spanish Vowels: Basic Pronunciation Rules. Spanish vowel pronunciation is undoubtedly much simpler compared with English. This is due to the fact that there are only five vowel sounds in Spanish! In English, on the other hand, the vowels can be pronounced with about 14 different sounds.
Sep 27, 2019 · As previously mentioned, Spanish has five main vowel sounds: /a, e, i, o, u/. Let’s next discuss the position of the tongue, the roundness of the lips, and the position of the jaw in the pronunciation of these vowels. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) / El Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (AFI) diagram shows the Spanish vowels ...
Dec 12, 2016 · Here are some common things to watch out for: 1. Vowels are never silent. One key to Spanish pronunciation is that, unlike in English, Spanish does not use silent vowels (minus the exception noted below). Thus any ‘e’ at the end of a word is always pronounced in Spanish. Read the following list of words in your head.
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Dec 14, 2023 · 3. Don’t “diphthongize” Spanish vowels. As stated in point one, each vowel has its own unique sound, and it never changes. Don’t add a different vowel sound to the end of a vowel. For example: Say no instead of /noh-uh/ Say universidad instead of /ew-nee-ver-see-dad/ Say comer instead of /kow-mer/ 4. Always read i as “ee.”