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Communism is kind of like that: what Is communism? it doesn't heal all sufering but rather only the sufering caused by capitalism. To really understand communism and figure out which idea of it is the best, we have to first understand capitalism and how it makes people sufer.
Jan 12, 2023 · How could their dreams come true? This little book proposes a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism.
Bini Adamczak-Communism for Kids-The MIT Press (2017) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. communism
How could their dreams come true? This little book proposes a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism.
- Jacob Blumenfeld
How could their dreams come true? This little book proposes a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism.
- Bini Adamczak, Jacob Blumenfeld, Sophie Lewis
- 2017
It is not, strictly speaking, just for kids - the first part adopts a 'fairy tale' format after some introductory discussion of key terms - communism, capitalism, work, the market, and crisis - and there is a very 'grown-up' epilogue on 'communist desire'.
Once upon a time, people yearned to be free of the misery of capitalism. How could their dreams come true? This little book proposes a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism.