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Nov 28, 2014 · Learn the stages of relapse and how to recognize the early warning signs of relapse. Learn coping skills to prevent relapse in the future. By Dr. Steven M Me...
- 6 min
- 385.2K
- Dr. Steven Melemis
What causes relapse, How to prevent relapse, and what to do if a relapse does occur. We will be exploring all these topics from the individual and the famil...
- 42 min
- 18.2K
- Put The Shovel Down
- Overview
- Treating Vaginal Prolapse Without Surgery
- Opting For Surgery
- Recovering After Surgery
Vaginal prolapse can occur when the muscles and ligaments in your pelvis become weakened, resulting in tissue that protrudes from your vagina because it is unable to be properly held in place.
Needless to say, having a vaginal prolapse can be a significant concern, both cosmetically and functionally. If your vaginal prolapse is mild, you may be able to treat it with a combination of activity modification, a vaginal pessary, Kegel exercises, and/or estrogen replacement therapy. If it is moderate to severe, however, surgery will most likely be required; the good news is that surgery is usually very successful at treating and resolving vaginal prolapse.
Change your activities to prevent stress to the vaginal walls.
If you have only mild vaginal prolapse, your doctor will likely recommend modifying your activities to avoid heavy lifting and/or straining. This will reduce the stress on your pelvic floor muscles, and may help to improve (or at least to prevent worsening of) your vaginal prolapse.
Keep in mind that surgery is not necessary with vaginal prolapse. You can leave the prolapse untreated without any negative impact on your health.
Consider trying a device meant to support the vaginal walls.
Something called a "vaginal pessary" is a circular device, usually made of soft plastic or rubber, that is inserted into your vagina. The pessary will hold your vaginal structures in place, thus preventing symptoms of prolapse and/or worsening of your prolapse. You will need to see your doctor to discuss this treatment option and to have it inserted into your vagina.
A vaginal pessary must be removed and cleaned at regular intervals.
Know that vaginal surgery is the mainstay of treatment for more severe vaginal prolapse.
While strategies such as activity modification, pessaries, Kegel exercises, and estrogen replacement therapy can be helpful, moderate to severe cases of vaginal prolapse may need to be treated with surgery. The type and extent of the surgery will vary depending upon the type and severity of your prolapse.
This is something that your surgeon will assess and discuss with you after he or she has performed a physical exam to thoroughly assess the extent of your vaginal prolapse.
As you await surgery, you may be offered treatments such as a vaginal pessary to help control your prolapse until it can be corrected surgically.
Also, keep in mind that there is no medical reason why surgery has to be done.
Ask about anesthesia during surgical procedures.
Avoid heavy lifting and other similar activities while you recover.
In the first six to nine weeks after surgery, it is important to avoid heavy lifting, as well as any other activities that may increase the pressure or stress on your abdominal or pelvic areas. Ask your boss for modified duties at the workplace if you have a job that involves heavy physical labor.
Your doctor may advise that you do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles in your pelvic area following surgery.
Be sure to follow your doctor's advice on when to begin strengthening exercises, and how many to do at a time, so that you do not put undue stress on your pelvic area following surgery.
Also avoid sexual intercourse for 6 weeks following surgery, to allow time for a full recovery.
Which benefit of kegel exercises do you find most appealing?
- 101K
Mar 3, 2019 · Relapse doesn't just happen. There are signs that someone is about to relapse. This video will teach you relapse prevention skills. It will explain to you ...
- 10 min
- 6.1K
- Put The Shovel Down
Jan 19, 2024 · Relapse is a common and challenging aspect of the recovery journey from addiction. This article will delve into the different stages of relapse to provide insight and strategies for avoiding slips back into addictive behaviors. The first stage of relapse is emotional relapse, characterized by the neglect of self-care, emotional suppression, and bottling up of […]
Mar 21, 2024 · 11 Warning Signs of Relapse You Should Know. Listen, if you thought getting sober was tough the first time, just wait until you have to try again after an extended period of sobriety. It sucks. It’s way harder. And I do not want that for you or your loved ones.
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Jan 7, 2020 · When you're trying to quit using a type of drug or alcohol, it's normal to experience symptoms of withdrawal that make it hard to stay on track. Read on to learn techniques to prevent a relapse.