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Inheritance is a clever and appealing technology. However, it is best applied in somewhat rare circumstances -- where you have several deeply similar classes. It is a common error for beginning OOP programmers to try to use inheritance for everything.
Inheritance is one of the most useful and essential characteristics of object-oriented programming. The existing classes are the main components of inheritance.
The inheritance introduced in C with Classes allows you to define new classes in terms of older ones. For example, suppose you are using a third-party library that exports a Printer class, as shown below:
The Book of C¶ This book is also available in PDF form. New Harbor, Maine, USA. Photo by J. Sommers. ¶ Preface. Get ready to learn one of the most influential programming languages ever developed. If you know some Java, you'll find C's syntax familiar (Java's syntax is based on C) and many of the same control structures.
Mar 19, 2015 · Yes, you can emulate inheritance in C using the "type punning" technique. That is, the declaration of the base class (struct) inside the derived class, and cast the derived as a base:
• Inheritance: allowing code to be reused between related types • Polymorphism: allowing a value to be one of several types, and determining at runtime which functions to call on it based on its type
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The growing popularity of C, the changes in the language over the years, and the creation of compilers by groups not involved in its design, combined to demonstrate a need for a more precise and more contemporary definition of the language than the first edition of this book provided.